Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios - Chapter 1 - XxGothic_PixiexX - Creepypasta (2024)

Chapter Text

Breaking and entering wasn't something that (y/n) did often but this time they had let their friends convince them to join in searching for an old burnt-out mill that was on the outskirts of town. What was unexpected was the fact that it was now only (y/n) scrambling to find an exit after their friends locked them in a closet and put a chair in front of the door before laughing and leaving them there as a prank.

This wasn't funny to (y/n) at all, a breakdown having ensued once the initial entrapment happened but they forced the chair out of the way from the door, and was now left with only a flashlight. They had left their phone at home since it was advised for a quick getaway from cops if they were caught before they had arrived.

The building was old and dusty, smelling of mold and decay, probably due to dead animals that were hidden in the walls. (Y/n) began looking for the stairwell, knowing that they were still on the second floor, their tear-stained faces obscured by their flashlight when waving it around. They had just rounded the corner and could see the banister in the distance, breaking out into a smile as they had found it before something else came into view.

Coming up the stairs, a masked man in a tan jacket and jeans slowly ascended from the stairs and onto the second floor, right in the path of the flashlight. His movements were slow and thoughtful, the white mask tilted slightly as it saw them. The black eye holes and black lips weren't as terrifying if he wasn't such a big guy. He could tackle them instantly and they'd be a goner, (y/n) was sure of it.

They let out a scream as the masked man suddenly, took off now in their direction, faster than they expected and not having great footing, (y/n) almost tripped, having to catch themselves on the wall as they ran as fast as their feet would take them down the hall. The masked man was silent in his pursuit, able to catch the corners faster than them, and quickly gaining.

(y/n) was throwing down any object they could to lose their trail, boards, piles, and any wood or debris they thought would slow down their attacker, tears now flowing freely as they were terrified. Eventually, they had slipped through enough holes in the wall, to escape the masked man, as well as having tripped him up a few times and they found their way down the stairs and out of the entrance like a bat out of hell, not noticing the masked face watching them from one of the busted out second story windows.

Vacations were always a rare occasion, so finally getting to head up to Colorado felt like a dream. It was only a two-day vacation and the first day had mostly been spent having dinner with friends and exploring the area. On the second day though one of (y/n)s friends had booked a tour of the small town, they had picked the destination saying it had some spooky stops on it that everyone should tag along and check out to get to know some of the histories of the town better. While it soundedso super fun to go to, (Y/n) opted out of the tour to instead go on a hike in the woods and get to see some of the landscape up close and personal. It was a beautiful state after all and they wanted to get to experience it firsthand since the trip was so short.

After their friends left, (y/n) Geared up for a light hike to go and get some pictures of the surrounding forests in hopes to see some wildlife native to the area.

Once on the hike for about an hour, (y/n) was crouched in some bushes and clicking some photos with a camera. It wasn't anything super fancy but it was enough to get some good clear shots to be printed later and hung up or put in a photo album to remember their first vacation away from home like this. After catching some shots of a mother rabbit and some of her babies, (Y/n) sat up to look at some of the shots they had gotten so far on the camera.

They pulled up the digital screen and began filing through them when something out of the ordinary caught their eye. Was that orange in the treeline? Maybe it was a flower. Though it was unlikely as it was much colder outside than they were used to in September. As they focused on the photo more and zoomed in on it, their heart dropped into their stomach as they now saw two orange eyes watching them from the treeline in the photo. They slid to another photo and there it was again despite this one being taken five minutes ago. Suddenly their mouth was dry and the pit in their stomach worsened as a cracking sound echoed nearby. It sounded like someone's bones.

They ducked down into the grass, the wet blades tickling their face as a whoosh of air fled past them and a loud thunk hit a tree behind them. Taking a peak back over their shoulder, they could have screamed as an orange-handled hatchet was stuck into the tree behind them. (y/n) scrambled up to their feet but with quick thinking, grabbed the hatchets handle and pulled it from the bark of the tree, wood splintering on the forest floor, before taking off back the way they had come, Angry shouts from behind them as the person pursuing them. "Give that b-BACK" the man shouted and chased after them.

Eventually, the person was loosened from their trail and they stuffed the weapon into their bag returning to the hotel rental, shaking up.


Groceries were necessary as they were getting low at home. Walking through the aisles, and holding a basket, (y/n) was going through and planning out meals in their head to make sure they would be sustained without having to come back any time soon. While the grocery store wasn't a bad place, it wasn't their favorite either. There were a lot of people around and always had enough room in the store to run into unkind people. What they didn't realize though was that a pair of eyes were following their every move around the aisles.

The basket was filling up easily and soon there was everything they needed for the next week of meals including snacks and drinks they were heading to check out when they paused at the flower section. (Y/n) hesitated and looked around to make sure they wouldn't be in someone's way before going to stand in front of the display and look at some peonies that looked freshly shipped. They were a pretty array of light pink, red, and yellow. While contemplating the purchase, a rude customer didn't give them much of a choice. The pretty display was snatched from their hands by a nasty woman, giving a sick grin to (y/n).

"How pretty. I think ill take them." (Y/n) was almost too stunned to speak, glaring towards the older woman. "Excuse me that wasn't yours-"
"You took too long. I could use them more than you anyway." She said looking (y/n) up and down with a look of disdain before walking off.

(y/n) scoffed and decided it just wasn't worth it. After all, it was just flowers. Sighing, they made their way through the checkout line and gathered their things, before heading to their home.

The trip back was short but the flower issue was still bugging them a little. "What a nasty person.." They muttered, getting out and loading the groceries into their home.

It was late that night when they woke up to a noise. (Y/n) Hesitantly got out of bed and grabbed a bat from under the bed before going downstairs just in time to see a tall hooded figure leaving out of their front yard from the main window. There was a moment of panic before realizing they were alone and nothing seemed out of place or broken. They were about to head back upstairs when a lump on the table caught their gaze. Turning on the light, they gasped. There on the table, was the display of flowers from the grocery store, with a note that read 'For the pretty one I saw in the store today'
Was that...blood on the stems?


The recent news reports were unsettling. Every night out of paranoia, (y/n) made sure that each and every window and doors were locked down tight. The string of murders in town with an unknown killer at large had everyone on edge. Being an inside person as they were, this didn't make too much of a difference in (Y/n)s schedule aside from the usual grocery trips and library visits. However, those had also been spaced out more, and less frequently. The town was on edge and people were more irritable than usual.

(Y/n) Had just finished a grocery trip and it was a bit late. They had made it to the store thirty minutes before closing and did what they needed to before heading home. The streets were thinning out as curfew was coming closer, the clock reading 8:46 at night. Curfew in town had been placed at 9 o clock due to the new criminal activity and (y/n) couldn't exactly complain. Now everything was quieter at an earlier time and this gave them the excuse to stay up and read or pursue their other hobbies without having to plug up the sound of the world with headphones.

The drive back wasn't far from the store and they got out of their car, with the armful of groceries and fumbled with the key fob to lock the doors before making their way up to the second flight of stairs to get into their apartment, unaware of what was going on next door at their neighbor's house.

As (Y/n) unlocked the door, the door across from them opened and shut, and some shuffling of feet could be heard from behind them. They didn't pay it any mind, Giving a soft hello as they always did when around any fellow housemates in the apartment building but they didn't get a response back. The door came open and (y/n) began putting the groceries inside a few bags at a time to not leave any outside. The footsteps stopped but (y/n) tensed as they realized whoever it was hadn't taken the stairs but was still on the floor. The last bag was grabbed in a bit of a hurry and they ended up just grabbing the box of cereal, the bag falling off into the breezeway in a rushed attempt to get inside as a low voice spoke behind them. "Two in one lucky am I?" (Y/n) Turned around quickly and brought the box of cereal up just in time to be lunged at with a knife. The weapon stabbed into the box of cereal, causing a scream to come from them, finally able to see the weapon but not the attacker. Cereal spilled in front of their door and the scream alerted some people. (Y/n) didn't stop screaming as the unknown person struggled to get their knife back from the box, but (y/n) kicked out blindly right into the killer's kneecap, causing a pained sound from them. "Stupid bitch-" He growled but someone's door opened on the same floor and this startled the person. Making a last-minute decision, they left without their weapon as neighbors came pouring out to see who had screamed and why.

"My f*cking Wheaties..." (Y/n) Mumbled looking at the mess as everyone gathered around.

Sleeping was never too easy for (Y/n) but tonight it was especially difficult for them. They climbed out of bed and pulled their shirt down a bit, walking out of their room and yawning. They glanced over towards the clock and saw it was nearly four in the morning. Groaning, They trudged to the kitchen to grab some water. It was particularly warm outside tonight and their throat felt a little dry, probably from snoring mixed with the dryness of the air.

Grabbing a glass from the kitchen, they went to the sink and poured some cool water inside, and sipped from the glass giving a small sigh of relief as they finished it. Their throat felt better now but some light coming from the living room caught their eye. Who was up this early?

(Y/n) Made their way into the living room and saw their younger brother asleep on the couch with one of his games paused. Not being much of a gamer, (Y/n) paid little attention to the screen and instead went over to cover (L/B/N) and made sure he had a pillow under his head before going to turn off the game. It was an easy save mechanism but something was off about it. The edges of the screen were fuzzy which wasn't something seen in games, that (y/n) at least knew. The game menu sat there and as (y/n) went to return the controller to its resting place, the screen went black and a message in 8-bit form popped up in a text format. Splaying across the screen were the words.

"Do you want to play a game?"

Not understanding much about these things, they assumed that instead of turning the game off, they had accidentally started it.

Curious as to what it might be, They pressed the play button and the screen lit up in glitches. Inside the haze of green, reds, and blues was a face coming into view on the screen. (Y/N)s heart thudded in their chest and quickly tried to exit the game and back into the menu. (L/B/N) would be so mad to know the game was tampered with let alone broken. The game didn't budge however and a glitched voice spoke through the screen. "Nice to ma-ma-ma- meet you pl-pl-player one-one-one" The voice sounded sinister as it glitched and distorted on the screen, the picture coming through of a boy who looked a lot like a demonic link, his eyes bleeding and wide unsettling grin on his face as the television screen glitched around him. Without a second thought, (y/n) snatched the remote up and turned off the screen successfully, the controller seeming to turn off in the process.


The woods were always a safe place for (y/n). So once they moved into a new town, the first place of solitude they were looking for was a nice wooded area with a possible park attachment to use in their free time. It didn't take long to move in, not having many belongings to their name and when a good park was located, They were pleased to also find an intricate set of trails in a nearby forest.

Within the first week (y/n) found themselves there. It was only 10 minutes from their new home so it was easy to bring their hobbies with them. The first day spent in the forest was a reading day. They had found a wonderful shady spot off the trails and under one of the largest trees they could find, a blanket under them, and some hot tea in a thermos as they flipped through the book's pages. The feeling of being alone was nowhere in sight, but (y/n) always assumed that animals were nearby since it was a forest after all.

Some of the pages were funny and caused them to laugh as they flipped through, finding comfort in the forest much more than back home. It was a favorite spot under this tree that on the third day there, they had brought some painting equipment. Painting wasn't their strong suit but it was still fun to do.

The colors needed work as well as shading and blending but it wasn't terrible of a painting. As they finished up their new artwork, They just signed the bottom when the hair on the back of their neck stood up, and a ringing in their ear began. They made a small sound of discomfort and rubbed at the ear before a sight above the canvas caught their eye. A large man in a suit just out of eyesight through the trees. It made their stomach turn in realizing they weren't being watched by animals but by a man. But the most nerve-wracking part of it all was the fact that they could not locate a face. It wasn't that it was hidden by trees and branches, no it was that it didn't exist at all. (Y/n)s heart hit their chest so loud, they could feel it in their ears and it seemed like time slowed down but they didn't waste any time. They grabbed their bag, leaving the painting and all the supplies behind as they booked it, car keys in their hands. They wanted to get as far away from there as possible, not caring about leaving the supplies behind

Eyeless Jack

(Y/n) Sat with a heavy heart in the middle of the campus. The college ground was getting ready for a memorial of the fallen students from last month, some of (Y/n)s own friends having fallen victim to a senseless crime of stray bullets and vendettas that scarred the rest of the students and staff for the rest of their lives. It wasn't an easy topic and though there were some caring glances toward them, no one directly approached them. The two best friends they did have, were buried back in their hometowns not even able to be reached now due to high prices of plane tickets and a lack of funding as they were in college and barely getting by. It was something they had been dreading the entire week once it had been announced on the school's website but they knew the school meant well.

(Y/n) Almost didn't attend but they could only imagine the whispers that would have occurred if they did skip such an important event but it was nothing they really worried about. Seeing their photos on the display screen wasn't easy and though the service held by faculty and students was long over, (y/n) stayed there on the empty stage by themselves. The chairs had been picked up and the area cleared out and that was the moment they allowed themselves a moment to finally break down. The Headmaster had allowed them to keep the photos from the service and they sat against the podium looking between the two. The other photos were returned to respective family members or other close ones who had requested them.

The silent crying session lasted a while before some rustling in the trees took their attention but at this point, they felt numb. They didn't even feel the fear they should have when the masked figure emerged from the bushes and began walking over. Was that...a knife?

(Y/n) pulled the photos to their chest and sniffled, closing their eyes as the footfalls of the stranger landed in front of them. There was no further movement causing them to look up at the person, a blue mask with black ink leaking from the eyes stared back, his dark casual clothing causing him to blend in a little more in the nighttime. Campuss curfew would be soon. On further inspection of the weapon it looked like an exact knife in the simply lit area but (Y/n) only stared at the person almost defeated. Surviving one incident didn't make you invincible to another, but more accepting.

"I wonder if people missed me...the way you miss them." His voice was clear despite coming from behind a mask and it caused a choked sob to escape (y/n) as a hand was put in their hair, and the masked man disappeared back into the treeline, leaving them there to their thoughts.

Laughing Jack

The sun has already set but this was the best time to trespass. There was less of a chance someone would see (Y/n) so they decided to wait until the early hours of the morning to toss their bag over the rusty chain link fence, before hiking up over it as well. The abandoned Fairground had never been rebuilt. It had been sitting here for over a decade untouched after a large storm had come through and taken the city's pride and joy of an attraction. It was chilly tonight but (Y/n) came prepared with an extra layer of clothing. They swung the backpack over their shoulder and pulled out the flashlight from their pocket before slowly making their way into the grounds.

Each ride and stand looked worse than the last. They were all eerie and dilapidated, the entire place smelling of rust and old water. A loud bang caused (y/n) to turn around quickly with the flashlight, scanning over the area. An old board seemed to have fallen from a fortune-telling stand. It whirred to life but there was no light coming from the box. "There's no way that still works.." They muttered to themselves, going over to look closer at it.

The puppet inside had a silly purple hat and was holding a crystal ball."One quarter for a fortune."It spoke but was more raspy than robotic. The doll didn't move either, assuming it was just the voice box talking from old age and being left unattended. "A quarter.." (Y/n) rummaged in their pockets before pulling out a random set of coin change. Inside was a quarter. However, when they leaned in to put it in, the box read one dollar. They hesitated and stood back up, staring intently at the doll. "I put in the quarter.." They lied. "What's my fortune?"

"You're death is closer than you think."Its voice didn't match the doll at all either. (Y/n) braced themselves to run, their body shivering. "Wh- Why is that?"

Suddenly a large shadow emerged from behind the box, a large monochrome clown with black and white striped clothing, and a swirled nose appeared. He was massive in terms of height. (Y/n) Grew fearful at the sight."Because I have decided so."His large sharp-toothed was all They had to see before booking it back out the way they had come in. It didn't take long now, Their wallet falling out of their pocket as They climbed over the fence with no reason to turn back. The clown knew they were long gone, but noticed the wallet and picked it up grinning wider at the gate entrance."See you soon...(y/n)"

Jason the Toymaker
The shop had never been here before, which (y/n) was sure of. The shop itself looked like its own magical realm, with the basic exterior being a white color, and a colorful and fun-looking sign sat out front. 'Toys Galore' Read the sign. It wasn't the outside that caught their eye though but the large windows that painted the inside of it. Inside they could see thousands of toys of all varieties but oddly enough, no one inside.

(Y/n) looked around and saw as people passed the shop up easily, without even so much as giving it a glance. "Weird.." They muttered to themselves. They weren't going to let that stop them though, as (Y/n) walked up the steps of the beautiful building and pulled open the door. It was warm inside and smelled like fresh-cut wood, the dim lighting creating a comforting atmosphere. There wasn't a soul in sight.

The bell on the door made a chirped sound as they entered, letting the owner know someone had arrived but again, no one appeared. It was just as beautiful inside as the windows had made it look and (Y/n) found it hard to not go and look around at everything.
There were many different things, from model trains to little toy trinkets, to dolls and board games. Any sort of fun toy imaginable was inside and they all looked handcrafted. The dolls however had caught (y/n)s eye. Standing in the aisle, there were hundreds to pick from. Ranging from porcelain to wood, to cloth, and even what looked like custom-made barbies. "This is amazing.." They muttered under their breath and went down to look at a porcelain doll sitting all by itself in a chair at the end of the aisle. The door had black, slicked-back hair and a young-looking face with baby-blue eyes. It was wearing a suit, with a red striped tie and little dress shoes.

"And what's your name.." (Y/n) muttered as they got closer. There was a tag on the suit that was tied to it with a string.

'Take me home for $20'

. When they flipped over the tag the name on the paper read


. It wasn't something (y/n) would normally buy, not in the slightest but something about the doll called out to them. They picked it up and a hand touched their shoulder, causing them to yelp and almost drop Allen. A smiling man who looked sort of like a knockoff clown/ jester stood behind you. "I see you've taken a liking to one of my little creations yes?" His voice was low and soothing but (y/n) found it hard to make eye contact. "Yes actually... I don't know why but I like him." They smiled and there was a glint in the store clerk's eye. "Then he's yours. I was just about to close up shop so I can't take the money now. But you can always return and purchase an item. This one is on me." He said with a dazzling smile. He tipped his hat to them and (y/n) was surprised but thanked the man and found their way out of the shop, taking Allen home with them.

Bloody Painter

Most of the shops in the town square were closing and the street lights lining the walkway were beginning to come on. (Y/n) They had already bought most of the things they had seen and wanted but didn't feel like returning home just yet. Just down the way was a street vendor, with various paintings set up along the walkway.

It caught their eyes and they walked over, thinking that taking a look wouldn't be so bad, looking for a distraction regardless. They arrived in front of it and saw the man they presumed to be the artist, sitting on a stool with a blue jacket, some jeans, and a white mask covering their face with a red smiley face painted on it. The artist had dark hard and seemed to stare at them as they examined some paintings.

"Are you an anonymous painter? I hear that's becoming a thing lately." The man didn't say anything but nodded once to affirm what they had said. The paintings were landscape types but only painted with three variations of colors. Black, red, and brown. The paintings had a funny feeling, (y/n) running their hand over the painting as the man tensed slightly but still didn't say anything. The pain also had an odd odor but that didn't seem to deter (y/n). "I'll take this one," They said with a smile, showing it to the artist.

He seemed surprised by this and nodded. "You're the first customer of the day." He finally spoke, his voice soft and slightly mischievous. "I can't see why. They're gorgeous." (Y/n) commented as the artist stood up. "Fifteen flat rate." They dug into their pockets for the money and handed it over with a smile. "Thanks." It was getting late though and decided that would be the last purchase of the night. (Y/n) waved to the artist and said goodbye before walking back towards the parking lot and heading home.

(Y/n) Didn't notice as the artist followed slightly. He trailed behind far enough to not draw suspicion but enough that when they did eventually reach their car, Helen was able to see the license plate, smirking lightly to himself before leaving back to go pack up. He had found a new muse.

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios - Chapter 1 - XxGothic_PixiexX - Creepypasta (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.