Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios - Chapter 1 - veilsan13 - Creepypasta (2024)

Chapter Text

Jeff the Killer

"Y/N you do know that the essay is due next week right?", your friend asked cautiously.

You turned your head quickly and gasped. "You're kidding right?", you asked.

Your friend shook her head, earning a small scream from you. "AHHH! After I stayed up all night working on it!", you did your best not to cry, your voice betraying you.

Your friend sighed and patted your head. "Y/N, as least you got it out of the way. Please don't stress out", your friend pleaded with you. "I know you got enough on your plate with school and work, so it wouldn't hurt you to relax."

As much as you hated to admit it, your friend was right. You have been stressing way above what you are used to and losing sleep in the process. You are even starting to mix your due dates. You sighed and nodded. "I guess you're right Angie", you agreed. Angie smiled and rolled her eyes. "I am always right Y/N."

Arriving home, you decided to take Angie's advice and take a break. You know damn well you need it. Considering you have a day off, you relish in jumping onto your bed. The pillows were soft and lulling you to sleep.

A small ding sounded off and you looked at your phone to see Angie's text message of "make sure to get some rest!! You looked dead tbh xD".

You chuckled and set the phone aside after sending a reply. You breathed in and out softly, relaxing for once. Maybe I have been overworking, you thought to yourself. You close your eyes and decide to give into the temptation of sleep. You were fast asleep, not noticing how the window in your small living room was wide open.


You abruptly wake up from your peaceful and needed slumber. You struggled to open your eyes as the need for sleep was winning you over. It had been a very busy week for you; work was hell and school was challenging and well, let's just say you don't know what sleep is anymore. With stress taking over, it was rather difficult to maintain a good sleeping schedule. You almost forget about the noise when you hear it again.


"Ugh" was your only response.

You reluctantly get up and almost as if in a trance, start walking towards the small hallway of your apartment. Now under regular circ*mstances, you would have never gone to check noises. You knew better than that. You were not going to be that typical character in a horror movie that dies first. In this case, however, something disturbed your sleep. Nothing. Nothing is intimidating to you when you are stripped of your precious sleep.

You turn on the small lamp at the counter and you lazily look around your living room and everything seems to be in place.

The TV was where it was supposed to be, your pile of books that cost more than your rent are there too, the figure of a man standing at the open windo- WAIT WHAT!

Your eyes widen in shock and realization.

First of all, there is someone in your home.

Second, there is no way you're gonna be able to sleep after this.

The figure stayed still as if stalking you. You couldn't move. Is this seriously how I am going to die, you couldn't help the thought. Both of you were still, waiting for the other to react.

Time was slowed down as the intruder ran to you and tackled you. You screamed and tried to fight back. I can't die here. I can't. You reached for a conveniently placed glass decorative plate and smashed it onto his head.

He grunted in pain and you pushed him off you and straddled his lap, trying your best to hold him down.

"OH HELL NO! I am not gonna let you kill me! I didn't stay up all night to finish that essay in vain!", you shouted.

Your shouts ceased as you gave a good look at the intruder.

It was something of a nightmare. His unblinking eyes, his charred black messy hair and his pale complexion alarmed you. His smile, that smile was cut into his face. He took the opportunity to push back and the roles were reversed; he was on top now and he looked pissed. "Go to sleep", he raised his knife. You let tears escape your eyes.

That's what I have been trying to do.

Then everything went black.

"Y/N!!" You gasped and your eyes shot open. You looked around your surroundings and noticed you were still in your living room. And you were alive. The room was a mess. You noticed Angie at the door and she rushed towards you. "What the hell happened here?!"

You couldn't help it. You laughed shakily.

"I couldn't sleep."

Eyeless Jack

You could not believe your eyes.

What. The. Hell. Was. He. Doing?

You rolled your eyes and called out your friend. "ABE!! Stop doing that!" Abe scoffed but listened. "I was just getting this guy's number. No need to get mad", his small smile led you to believe he was successful.

You laughed softly. "I am aware, but please, you're only in town for a few days before you go back home", you gave him your signature puppy eyes.

He picked you up in a warm hug. "I'm sorry, I can't help it when I see cute guys. I promise today it'll be just us", he promised.

You knew he meant well. Both of you headed back to your apartment to have yourselves a well deserved movie night. Since Abe was visiting for the weekend, you had planned out day beforehand to have fun. You couldn't wait; but first you had to go rent the movies. And where else would you go but your lovely BlockVuster, the best place for movies galore!

"Alright, three movies: one horror, one comedy and one romance. Got it?", you set the terms as you finished setting up the blanket fort.

The floor of your living room was now covered with blankets and pillows, snacks were spread out as well. Abe gave you a thumbs up.

"Sounds good. I just have one question", he thought for a moment, pursued his lips and gave a mouth pop. You raised an eyebrow. "Why do you insist on going to the BlockVuster that has been rumored to be the in the vicinity of kidnappings and murders?"

"Ahh. Yes. The popcorn taste better there. More selection in movies as well" was your answer.

Abe gave you a deadpanned look. "You are going to get kidnapped if you're not careful."

At the BlockVuster, you scavenged through the rows of films, trying to find one that suited your taste. Abe had taken it upon himself to search for the romance film as he "knows the best sh*t that pulls the heartstrings just right".

Hmmm we already saw most of these, you let your thoughts wander, failing to notice a figure standing close by. You were busy looking for a horror film. But you have seen most of the classics and decided to give something new a chance. Your finger touched a particular movie box.

"Ooo some horror documentary dramatization about a cannibalistic serial killer to satisfy the viewers? Hell yes", you picked the movie off the shelf.

"You like serial killers?", a cool voice spoke next to you. You jumped a bit and turned to see a man wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. You couldn't really see his face due to his hoodie covering.

You gave a shrug.

"I was just looking for some horror and this seems pretty interesting."

He gave a small nod to your answer. The man nodded his head towards the back. "I know some DVDs over there that go in depth of the minds of serial killers."

Your interest was peaked. "I am down", you egged him into taking you to the back.

You couldn't see the malicious smile he wore as another human easily fell prey.

You followed him to the back and you began to notice the lights dimming. Now, this is starting to feel like a bad idea.You guys have already passed the so called section he mentioned. He led you towards a hall, too dark for your security.

"A little bit more", he said. You realized he lead you outside the store into the alley. The cold breeze nipped at your nose and only then you begin to rethink your choices.

"Hey..uh..I think I shou-" you couldn't finish your sentence as he suddenly turned to face you.

Your breath was caught in your throat as you saw his mask. A blue mask with two black eye holes, a black tar like substance was dripping from them. If you weren't scared yet, you'd be more scared when he started to play with a scalpel.

A rusty scalpel.

You started to back away, slowly as he started to approach you.

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I follow strangers into dark places?

"Y/N! Where did ya go?!" Abe's voice broke you out of whatever trance you were in and you tried to run but was stopped by the man's strong grip on your shirt.

You have no idea what happened. Adrenaline? Secret human strength? A will to live?

But you raised your arm, turned and landed a hit on the man's mask. He did stumble back and you made a run for it. As you ran back into the store, you gave a glance back to see no one. Your breathing was uneven and you felt tears stinging at your eyes.

Suddenly, you felt arms snake around your waist and you gave a scream of surprise. You were let go and you came face to face with your friend.

"Y/N, are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost", Abe's worried voice made you want to cry. You sniffled and jumped into his arms. He wrapped them securely around you.

"I don't think horror would be a good idea for today."

BEN Drowned

You stood as tall as you could to scan the crowd looking for your friend. You had just arrived to the airport to pick up your friend who was coming to visit. You had taken the favor of your friend's mother to pick her up and bring her home. You glanced to your phone in which the time read 3:20 pm. She is late, you thought. You couldn't help the smile that spread on your face; she has not changed in the slightest.

"Y/N!!!", your friend screamed as she tackled you to the floor.

You let out a small "ow" and you began to laugh. You patted her back.

"I know you missed me but please, I do prefer standing hah." The both of you rose and you gave her a proper hug.

Your friend, Anna, smiled. "I know but it honestly felt like a part of me was missing! Plus, I have been dying to give you something!"

"Aw, you didn't hav-" Anna quickly shoved the carefully wrapped item into your face. You grabbed the item and felt it was quite hard. You looked to Anna and she just egged you on to open it. Once you did, you were confused.

"So let me get this straight", you started. "You decide to give me a Legend of Zelda game? Something I am unfamiliar with? Knowing I don't play video games?"

Anna laughed sheepishly. "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds like I suck at giving gifts." You sighed. "I'm not saying I don't like it. I just don't understand why you would give me this."

Anna pouted. "I just thought something unexpected would be a good gift."

You smiled and looked back the game. You were not too familiar with video games. You were more of a book worm. You hadn't played video games in years; you were pretty young when you would play. Times change and new interests arise. Still, holding the game felt nostalgic for some reason.

"Plus, you always did have a crush on Link so its a win really", she gave you a sly smile accompanied with a wink.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm sorry Anna, I actually do like the gift. It's just something...unique", you apologized to her. Anna gave a small "yay", raising her hands in victory.

"To be fair, you did give me weirder gifts" Anna reasoned; she was right.

You had given her five pineapples with exactly only seven leaves left just to mess with her; to be fair, it was for your friendship anniversary. You laughed at the memory.

"Alright friend, let's get you home."

After dropping off Anna, you made your way to your home. Entering through the thrshold, you felt a bit of uneasiness. You figured it was due to the fact that you were up down and this whole past week. You dropped your bag on your bed and you let the game rest in your hand.

"Majora's Mask?"

You traced your fingers over the game. It almost felt surreal holding it.

You put it aside to the counter and open your laptop instead. When it does turn on, the page is automatically set to...Cleverbot? You raised an eyebrow at this.

Huh, this is weird.

You brush it off as a glitch of some sort.

Technology is rather odd.

What was more odd was when you heard the small clicks coming from your laptop.

Your eyes widen at the message.

Cleverbot: Hi there!

You were taken aback and against your better judgement, you replied.

You: Hi

To your amazement, you saw the bot 'thinking'.

Cleverbot: I had a quick question

You: Like what?

Cleverbot: wasn't a bit mean to say you didn't like your friend's gift?

"What the hell", was your only response as you stared at the message. It seemed like time stopped.

What the actual flying duck.

Feeling like your little dose of adventure was quenched, you decided to close the laptop. You pushed the laptop away from you and you began to recollect your thoughts over what happened.

And then it happened.

Lights began to flicker and your TV was turned on, revealing only static.

You whipped your head towards the screen. You rose and turned off the screen or at least tried to. It would not turn off. You smacked the TV.

"Turn off, my gosh".

The screen went black. You slowly fell to the floor when you saw words being typed on the screen.

"YoU sHouLdN't HaVe dONe tHaT."

You picked up your phone and dialed Anna.

"Hey..uh..I'm sorry for not being thankful for the gift. But since we're on the topic...uhhh..WHAT THE FUUU DID YOU GIVE ME?"

Laughing Jack

This wasn't exactly how you planned your weekend to go. You were supposed to be at home, eating junk food and binge watching your favorite tv show. But alas, you were here standing at your aunt's home; you were asked to babysit your six-year old cousin. You didn't particularly mind though, you loved that kid like if they were your own close sibling.

You knocked on the door and it was swung open.

"Y/N!", your aunt shouted in glee. "My favorite child!"

You snickered. "I'm not a child. Plus I distinctly remember you saying I was at least second best", you pointed out, in a teasing manner to which you were shushed. You aunt gave you a wink.

"Oh! Before I forget, I need to talk to you about Fiore", she ushered you inside.

You raised an eyebrow. "Are they okay?", you asked, worry tracing the words.

Your aunt sighed. "Fiore has been struggling with school, you know making friends and the like. Their teacher has mentioned how Fiore tends to drift away from the other students", your aunt seemed heartbroken. "I don't know if it's because I leave so often for business trips but I feel like an awful mother. I am trying to talk to my boss about the non-stop traveling; I miss spending time with Fiore."

You almost seemed shock. It was true your aunt traveled a lot for work. Because of that, the small family always moved around, ever since Fiore was young; Currently, they moved near you, so it was easier to babysit and visit your family. Despite that, she always did try her best with Fiore.

You nodded in understatement. "It'll work out, I just know it", you hugged your aunt.

She smiled and patted your head. "Always the optimist. Well, I should be going. Please do keep an eye on Fiore, I'll be back in time for Monday."

Once your aunt left, you called out for Fiore. You heard small steps coming down the stairs and you saw your cousin, running towards you, jumping into your arms. "Ah Fiore! I missed ya kid!", you returned the embrace.

Fiore responded with a tighter embrace. You rubbed their head. Once your parted, you led them into the kitchen.

"Alright kiddo, spill the tea while I make some food. Sound good? And I'll let you know the juicy details of my coworker's escapades" you winked at them.

Fiore didn't really seem to respond but they followed after you, sitting down at the dining table.

"How's school going? I know you guys moved recently. Any kids I gotta beat up?", you asked.

Fiore only stared at their hands, their head down. You stopped what you were doing and you sat next to them.

"You know you can trust me kiddo, I won't tell your mom if that's what got you worried."

Suddenly, you heard sniffles. You cradled the child without question. You rubbed their back as they laid their head on your shoulder. You heard a whisper.

"What was that Fiore?"

"...they think I'm strange."

You furrowed your eyebrows.

"..they don't talk to me cause my eyes are different", was emitted from the sibling.

You held on them like your life depended on it. It was true. Fiore had heterochromia which gave them two different eye colors. It was usually harmless but it did seem to affect whatever Fiore was going through. Usually, the eyes weren't always an issue hence why your aunt did not mention it to you; sometimes, kids were just mean.

"Well, I think your eyes are magical", you spoke up. "Those kids are wack if they can't see that."

"...Someone else said they were magical too."

"Ah, is that so? Who did?"

"It's a secret..." You hugged Fiore a little harder. "You can trust me with your secret." Fiore was silent for what seemed like an eternity.

"...he's a friend."


"His name is Jack."

"Ah, is he in your class?"

"...." Fiore pulled away from you and gave you a stern look. "Follow me."

Fiore took off running upstairs to their room. You were taken aback but decided to follow as being a kid is pretty difficult; it's hard to make friends. When you met Fiore upstairs, you saw them kneeling on their bed, holding a small box?

"This is where Jack lives." Everything was suddenly clear. Jack was an imaginary friend. It was pretty normal for kids to conjure up imaginary friends. You gave a closer to the box. It looked rather old, its colors were already chipped off. The small handle also seemed worn out. Fiore looked up to you and beckoned you closer.

"Jack visits me and gives me candy. He told me my eyes are special."

You gave them a smile. "That's nice. I'm sure Jack is a great friend." The answer seemed to satisfy Fiore as a small smile spread on their face.

"Jack likes you. He thinks you're pretty." You smiled.

"Well, let Jack know I'm single", you winked. Fiore giggled and put the box aside.

"Can we make cookies?", Fiore gave you puppy eyes.

You nodded and bowed. "Anything for you, my liege."

Fiore jumped off the bed and ran downstairs, you fast on their trail. You smiled to yourself, happy to see your cousin back to their regular self. Now the fun will begin!

Soft music was playing in the background as you laid Fiore on the couch. They had fallen asleep after the sugar rush they induced after eating most of the cookies. Okay, that was actually you but you had made enough and you wanted to spoil them. You covered them with the blanket and you wandered into the kitchen. As you began to clean up whatever mess you made, you noticed a small colorful wrapped candy near the sink. You noticed there was a small note attached to it. You picked it up and almost felt your heart stop once you finished reading it.

Heard you were single ;) - J

You whipped your head around the kitchen. You rushed to the living room to find Fiore sleeping soundly. You shook your head. Everything seemed normal. Nothing seemed out of place. "Relax Y/N, you're just being paranoid."

"Yeah, you're probably just being paranoid hah", a voice teased. You turned and came face to face with the small box. The same box that was in Fiore's room. No way it could've teleported to the room you were currently standing in. You slowly made your way to it and grabbed it. This was really weird and kinda spooky.

"You're easily scared? This is going to be so much fun ~."

That was the last thing you heard before black smoke suddenly appeared. And you fell unconscious to the floor.

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios - Chapter 1 - veilsan13 - Creepypasta (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.