Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios - Chapter 1 - Punklovergirl68 - Creepypasta (2024)

Chapter Text


You had always loved nature, just walking through the forest on a calm and peaceful day was the most relaxing thing you could think to do. Though for some reason, today's walk didn’t feel as relaxing as is usually did, instead you found yourself shivering and constantly looking all around you as you walked down the trail. The feeling of someone watching you was fresh in your mind as you couldn’t help but fearfully stare at the trees, waiting to spot movement or someone peeking out at you. But, instead, you were met with nothing but silence as the forest looked like it always had. ‘Must just be my imagination than’ you sighed, body relaxing a little as you tried to put all your attention on the walk.

Though, not ten minutes later were you met with a slight throb in your skull as the sound of static started to fill your ears and drown out the few sounds of nature that you had been hearing all day. Your ears ringed as you clutched your head and let your face scrunch up into a look of discomfort. Your knees strangely felt weak and it wasn’t long until they caved in underneath you. You felt a whimper slip through your lips as the sound of static seemed to get louder and louder while black dots started to appear in your vision that was starting to blur. Shakily looking up, you couldn’t help but cry out as the movement caused a sharp pain to shoot through your skull, but through your blurred vision you could barely make out the shape of a man standing before you.

He was a blurred mixture of black and white and seemed almost as tall as the trees themselves, you could barely make out the suit he was wearing, but other than that everything else just looked like a smudge of colors all blurring and mixing together. Another low whimper slipped past your lips as the sound of static had started to sound unbearable until suddenly everything grew silent and the man was no longer in front of you. Almost like a ghost, he simply vanished into thin air, leaving you there alone on the ground. Your vision slowly started to clear, and you hesitantly pushed yourself up onto shaky legs before slowly stumbling down the trail—attempting to keep your balance as you started to make your way home.

Jeff the Killer:

You were an insomniac, it was as simple as can be that sleep was nothing but a challenge to you. Tonight was no different as you found yourself twisting and turning from side to side on your bed, trying to find a comfortable way to lay. Instead, you groaned in annoyance and threw the covers off in a fit of frustration. Sitting up, you threw your legs over the side of the bed and stormed out of your room and into the hallway of your silent home. The coldness of the wooden floorboards nipping at the soles of your feet and causing you to shiver with every step.

Both your parents were away on an urgent business trip, leaving you to care for yourself and the house, it was nights like these that you noticed just how big and empty this house truly was as you descended the creaky steps. Listening to each groan and moan that left their wooden surface until you finally reached the bottom and turned into the kitchen. The second you flipped the light switch, you hissed at the sudden brightness that attacked your eyes and made you want to draw back into the safety of the dark living room behind you. But instead, you stood still, rapidly blinking your eyes until they adjusted before finally trudging further into the room. You didn’t bother being silent as you gathered what you need, rummaging through the cabinets until you had gotten what you wanted—a plastic cup and your bottle of sleeping medication.

You lazily leaned over the kitchen sink and filled the plastic cup up halfway before turning the faucet off. You stood there for a few seconds, staring over at the orange pill bottle that sat innocently on the countertop, you hated the taste that the medication left behind, but knew it couldn’t be helped. Getting the required two white capsules from the bottle and placing it back in its rightful place in the medication cabinet beside the sink, you made your way back to your room. Pills clutched in one hand and a glass of water clutched in the other, you flipped the kitchen lights off behind you and once again encased the whole house in darkness. You went up the creaky steps once more and down the hallway before stopping at your bedroom doorway, looking at the opened window that was allowing the autumn wind to blow your curtains about.

On your bed sat a young man whose figure was illuminated by what little moonlight seeped into the room and bounced off the surface of the knife he twirled around in his hands. The cup in your hand slipped through your fingertips as your grip slackened in surprise at seeing the stranger. You listened as the cup clattered to the floor and caused water to spill everywhere while your other hand seemed to tighten its grip around the sleeping pills as you watched the man stand up, his body easily towering over your own. You watched through wide eyes as he slowly started to make his way towards you, his light and almost silent footsteps sounding loud and threatening in your ears as your body started to shake when he came to a stop right in front of you. What you saw of his features that were illuminated by the moonlight was a horrifying sight that you felt would forever be burned into your mind.

His skin was bleached white with black rings circled around his wide and never blinking eyes that stared down at you. But, it was his smile that was what really sent a chill down your spine, how it reached from ear to ear, caked in dried blood and scabs while charred black hair fell over his face and down to his shoulders. The white hoodie he wore had dried blood splotches here and there that you couldn’t help but feel nauseous just by looking at it. You winced as he leaned down towards you until both your faces were centimeters apart from one another and you could feel his warm breath fanning across your skin. His never-ending smile seemed to widen the longer he stared at you before finally pulling back and spinning around on his heel.

“See you later, [Your Name]” his voice was low and raspy, similar to a smoker’s voice as he waved at you before disappearing through the open window, leaving you to stand there alone—scared and confused.

Laughing Jack:

You heaved an irritated sigh as your grip on your book tightened until your knuckles started to turn white. Your gaze flickered away from the printed words in front of you and towards your bedroom door that did little to block out the sound of muffled laughter coming from the hallway. It frustrated you how useless the walls and doors were, how both were too thin to keep out any loud sounds that could potentially distract you. With a small growl, you slammed the book in your hands shut and moved to rip your bedroom door open. Out in the hall, you were greeted by the sight of your little sister sitting all by herself in the middle of the hallway, now staring up at you with curious [Eye Color] eyes.

“Why the hell are you out here playing all by yourself?” you frowned, turning your head from side to side to stare down both ends of the hallway to determine that your sister was truly alone.

“I’m not alone” [Sister’s Name] shook her head as she pointed at the empty space across from her. “I’m playing with Jack!” she happily exclaimed, causing you to roll your eyes and scoff. About a month ago your sister started to speak of a new friend—an imaginary one at that. Laughing Jack is what she called him, a strange name if you do say so yourself. At first, you didn’t give much thought or care about her new friend, deciding to ignore it instead until finally her constant laughing and running around started to become too much of a nuisance for you to ignore it any longer.

“Jack’s not real, [Sister’s Name], why don’t you just grow up. You’re almost too old to be having an imaginary friend!” you hissed.

“Jack is real!” [Sister’s Name] suddenly cried out in anger as she shot straight up and started to stomp her feet, apparently angry with what you had said.

“No, he’s not! He’s just some stupid, imaginary clown you made up!” you snapped, slamming your door shut before she had a chance to respond.

“I’m telling Jack you called him stupid!” you heard her muffle voice whine through the door, causing you to roll your eyes as you flopped down onto your bed and returned to your book. Silence and peace soon engulfed you as your eyes scanned the words that were written out before you. Day slowly turned to night and it wasn’t long before you started to feel your eyelids grow heavy until they finally slipped shut and you let sleep take you into its lovely arms. It wasn’t long before your breathing slowly started to pick up as your face twisted up into a look of discomfort while your eyes behind your eyelids started to rapidly move around. A thin layer of sweat builds up on your skin while your body started to squirm around, scrunching up the covers beneath you and before you knew it, your eyes shot open as your body lurched upright.

The first thing to greet you were a pair of white eyes that bore too close into your own and causing you to scramble back on your bed. Before you sat a monochrome colored clown whose tall and lanky body towered over your own. Shaggy black hair fell to his shoulders and brushed against the black and white feathers that decorated them. His style of clothing was interesting to say the least, tattered, worn out, and lacking any color. His fingers were nothing but sharp claws with dirty bandages wrapped tightly around the palms of his hands and stomach.

His face was caked in white makeup with shiny black lips that were pulled back into a wide smile, showcasing the shark-like teeth he had. His nose was the one thing that stood out to you the most for some reason, it was just a simple cone that was a swirl of black and white. The clown said nothing as he simply sat there, looking at you with that unnerving smile of his before finally disappearing into a cloud of black and white smoke. Leaving you all alone in your darken room with only the sound of your quick heartbeat and ragged breathing to keep you company. After a while of waiting, you slowly lowered yourself back down onto your bed, this time slipping underneath the covers and pulling them high above you until you were hidden away beneath them.

You didn’t attempt to fall back asleep, instead just laid there with wide eyes, staring at the darkness that surrounded you.

Eyeless Jack:

You moaned as your body slowly started to shift around at the uncomfortable feeling of the fabric of your pajama shirt lightly brushing against your stomach as it was being pushed upwards. Slowly your eyes blinked open, taking a moment to fully adjust to the darkness of your room until you could fully make out the ridges of your ceiling. You shivered at the feeling of cool air brushing against the exposed skin of your stomach before your whole body tensed up the second you felt the gentle touch of fingers now rubbing against your skin. Pressing down on certain areas as if they were looking for something. At first, you reasoned that it was only your imagination before that illusion was shattered by the feeling of something sharp and cold now pressing down against you.

Automatically your body flinched backward, wishing to move away from the offending object that was pressing against it. Your gaze finally flickered towards the intruder, breath catching in your throat as both you and the intruder froze upon making eye contact. Before you was a young man that was straddling your waist, while clutched in his gray tinted hand was a scalpel that seemed to shine against the moonlight that fluttered in through theopen window. His clothing was dark and simple, something you’d expect for any intruder to wear in the middle of the night. You could see no facial features as they were hidden beneath a royal blue mask that only had two, pitch black eye holes cut into them.

A mysterious black liquid leaked from the eyes, crying out a stream of tar that seemed never-ending. From beneath the hood poked out messy brown hair that fell over top of the mask. You couldn’t find the voice to speak and just chose to stare at the man who slowly rose one of his fingers to place it against the blank space of his mask where a mouth should have been. Your ears strained to hear the small “shh” that came from the stranger before he climbed off you and silently left the room. Slipping through the open window and into the night. For a few seconds, you laid there, not moving a single inch as a million thoughts raced through your mind.

Ticci Toby:

You tiredly dragged your feet down the sidewalk, casting a small glance at the watch on your wrist to see that it was already nearing midnight and you were just now getting home from work. ‘I really need to get myself a car’ you sighed as you could feel how the soles of your feet seemed to ache with every step. Showing how tired they were from your constant standing and moving around all day. You soon came to a halt in your movements, straining your ears to listen closely as you thought you had heard a strange ticking sound quickly followed by a loud crack. Your head turned to the side as you threw a glance back, only to find nothing there but the lights that shined down from the street lamps.

With the shrug of your shoulders, you simply told yourself that it must have only been your imagination and face forward once again. Immediately halting in your steps as you stared at the young man that now blocked your path, looking as if he had appeared out of nowhere. You watched how his body twitched every few minutes, causing the sounds of tics and cracks to fill the air and enter your ears. You barely care for the clothing he wore for how simple and plain they were and instead took note of how much taller he was than you as well as the two hatchets that appeared to be attached to either side of his hips. Another feature of his that caught your gaze was the yellow goggles he wore that seemed to reflect the light of the street lamps and hid his eyes and the mouth guard he wore, making it appear as if he had a wide smile.

You both stood there in silence, neither one of your breaking eye contact and the only movement was caused by the man’s constant twitching. “Uh…” you were the first to speak, trailing off as you hadn’t the slightest idea in what you were going to say before being taken aback as he suddenly turned on his heel and took off, leaving you to stand there in confusion.


You had always had a love for sweets, didn’t matter if it was pecan pie or chocolate cake, you were rarely ever picky about whatever sweet you got your hands on. But, if you had to choose a favorite, you would say that cheesecake would be your number one choice. Sadly, you weren’t a baker, so you normally found yourself saving up money to buy yourself a sweet treat at the end of the week. Last week had been strawberry shortcake, this week you went for a plain and simple cheesecake that sat neatly inside a small pink box that you held securely in both hands as you walked home from the nearby bakery. The sun was slowly starting to set, and the sky was no longer a sky blue, but now a mixture of reds and oranges.

Many people were starting to make their way back home to their family and pets, prepared to settle down for dinner or the evening news as they desired to get back to the safety of their warm homes before nightfall. You were no different as you felt your pace quicken while passing by the park, not feeling comfortable with the thought of being out all by your lonesome self. But, it wasn’t long until you felt yourself suddenly bump into someone, taking you by surprise as you stumbled backward and suddenly lost your footing. You winced the second your bottom made harsh contact with the ground as you kept a tight hold on the box in your hands. “Ow!” you whined, reaching one hand back to slightly rub at your sore bottom.

Tilting your head upwards, you decided to get a look at the stranger you had suddenly run into. Mouth open and ready to speak before you promptly shut your jaw as you took in the man’s strange appearance. From his plain and simple outfit to the mess of brown hair that fell in messy curled strands onto the white, feminine mask that covered its face. Brown eyes stared down at you through the eyeholes of the mask…well at first you thought they were staring at you but following the man’s gaze, you found he was actually staring at the box in your hand. “What’s with the mask?” you curiously asked, noting how Halloween wasn’t for another two months.

The man didn’t answer as you flinched when the box of dessert was suddenly and harshly ripped from your grasp. “H-hey!” you sputtered out in shock as the man bolted across the park and disappeared into the nearby woods. “Bitch! That was my cheesecake!” you shouted after the disappearing figure before letting your head droop as you grumbled out curses and pushed yourself to stand. Dragging your feet as you sulkily walked home.


You loved taking pictures, it was something that you’ve been doing since you were a child and had become your favorite pastime hobby. When you were able to finally afford a real camera, you started taking pictures of everything and anything, from the animals you would see to even old houses that mother nature was slowly starting to swallow up and take apart. It wasn’t long before you finally built up the nerve to wander into the wood—a place you normally tried to avoid—to try and capture the beauty of nature with your camera. You were always afraid of entering the woods near your town, fearing that you would end up lost or would run into something dangerous. The thought of winding up in the newspaper as dead or missing always scared you since you were a child.

But, today you felt confident in yourself that nothing bad would happen and finally wander down the trail that millions of people had taken before you. You noted that it was quiet for the most part with only the sounds that your camera made to fill your ears as you took pictures of naturein all her glory with the occasional sounds of the forest animals mixing in here and there. Raising your camera, you prepared to snap another picture of a blue jay that was nestled up in her nest of twigs and leaves in one of the trees before stopping as you heard the sudden sound of rustling of leaves behind you. Slowly turning to look back, you watched a man came walking out of the bushes and onto the trail. There wasn’t anything noticeable about him at first until you looked at his face and spotted the strange mask he wore.

It was pitch black and made his face look like it was just an endless void with red, beady eyes and a stitched frowned that was also the color red. You quickly shifted your gaze to one of his hands as the light that fluttered in past the treetops reflected off the metal surface of the lead pipe he held. It was bent and stained with fresh blood that was already starting to dry. Eyes widening in both shock and fear, your body started to shake as the man finally noticed you and tilted his head. The camera in your hands slipped through your fingers and hit the ground just as you bolted down the trail and away from the stranger.

Who watched after you in confusion before bending down and scooping up the forgotten camera you had dropped.

Dr. Smiley:

“[Your Name], it hurts!” your friend loudly groaned as she rested her head against your shoulder and tightly clutched her stomach.

“I know” you whispered as you continued to flip through one of the magazines that littered the empty waiting room of the newest clinic that had just opened in town. Since both you and your friend were broke/lacked health insurance and neither of her parents nor your own mother wanted to help by lending you some money for her to get a proper check-up at a hospital. This was your only other option as this place advertise as being both cheap and didn’t require you to have health insurance. Your friend seemed to suffer from horrible stomach cramps, sure you could have just waved her off and claimed it was just period cramps, but that wasn’t possible seeing how these stomach pains have been happening twice a week of every month. Getting so bad that you’ve had to watch your friend crawl around the apartment before.

Upon discovering how cheap this new place was, your friend jumped at the opportunity to make an appointment here. You were a bit skeptical, finding it hard to believe that a medical clinic would be this cheap and was also okay with the lack of insurance that you knew for sure that something had to be wrong with this place. So, like the good friend you are, you asked to come along with your friend to her appointment today. “Ms. [Friend’s Last Name]” a deep, soothing voice called out as a man stepped out of the backroom. You noted how the place seemed to be run by only one man, he was tall with messy black hair that seemed to cast shadows over his tired, ruby colored eyes.

Instead of being dressed up in the usual doctor’s attire, he only wore a white dress shirt with a black tie, black jeans, dress shoes, and finally a white surgical mask with a drawn-on shark tooth smile to complete the look. The man unnerved you and made you even more skeptical of the place as you had to stop yourself from grabbing your friend’s arm when she stood and started to shuffle over towards the doctor. You were torn between wanting her to finally get help to wanting to just take her and leave this clinic right away. You finally decided to just sit back and pray for the best when you heard the low whimpers that left her lips with every step she took as she walked past the doctor and disappeared into the back room. The man and you made eye contact for a short second before he fully shut the door and you were left all alone.

Trying to get back to reading the magazine in your lap, you sat in silence for a couple of minutes before being startled by the sudden loud screeching of your friend from behind the door. On instinct, you flew out of your seat and raced over to the door, flinging it open without a second thought and screamed at the top of your lungs at the sight that greeted you. Tears were already starting to well up in your [Eye Color] eyes as you stared at your friend’s twitching body as blood pooled out of her mouth. Her stomach was cut open, displaying her insides as the doctor held her intestines in his hands, looking almost fascinated by the stomach acid and undigested food that came leaking out. Quickly the man’s head shot up as he looked away from the mutilated body to stare are you.

“Excuse me, ma’am, but only patients are allowed back here. Are you in need of medical attention” he asked, tone dripping with sick amusem*nt as he stood from his seat and started to advance towards you. In your fear and not wanting to know what the man planned to do with you, you bolted. Running out of the clinic and onto the streets, too scared to think clearly enough as you rushed home to your and your friend’s shared apartment instead of heading straight for the police.

Ben Drowned:

You wouldn’t say that you’re obsessed with video games, but you would rather choose to play a game over being stuck at home bored out of your mind. While coming home from school, you couldn’t help but stop at a yard sale that some old man in your neighborhood was holding. There was nothing of any real interest to you at first before you finally spied a box that seemed to be filled to the brim of old N64 games. Just the sight of the old cartridges reminded you of the N64 console that you had inside a box shoved somewhere underneath your bed to live with the dust bunnies back home. Curious, you started to rifle through the box of games, pouting in disappointment at finding only games that you already owned or ones that didn’t really interest you.

“Find anything?” the old man that was running the yard sale suddenly spoke up, his voice croaky and rough as he made his way towards you. Casting a small glance up at him, you peered back down at the box before slowly shaking your head.

“No, sir.”

“Wait here, I think I might have something that’ll interest you” the elderly man said after a moment of thought as he walked away and disappeared back into his home. When he came back, he was carrying something this time and placed it inside your hand the minute he approached you. Looking down at the object that had recently been placed in your hand, you saw that it was an N64 cartridge that was missing its sticker and had the words “Majora’s Mask” written out in sharpie on the front.

“Thank…you…?” you grew confused when you looked up and found that the old man was nowhere to be seen. ‘Huh? Must have gone back inside or something’ you shrugged as you continued walking home. Once you reached your house, you were not surprised to find it empty with only a note left by your father explaining that he wasn’t going to be home ‘til later tonight. Your father was a single parent and always tried to raise you right, through the frustration and embarrassment, you could tell that he was doing his best. Setting the game down, you disappeared up into your room to grab you N64 out from underneath your bed.

Once you had everything set up, you put the game in and began. Everything started out relatively normal at first, you found yourself going through the game with ease…well, that is until it started to glitch. Certain songs would start playing backward, Link would randomly combust into flames, and a strange look alike Link statuestarted following you around. You found yourself growing more frustrated than confused the longer you played while your grip on the controller tightened ‘til your knuckles turned white. “This is bullsh*t!” you hissed out in frustration, throwing the controller down just as the screen turned black.

“You Shouldn’t Have Done That.”

“What?” you owlishly blinked at the text box that appeared as everything fell silent before your eyes widen when a pale arm came shooting out of the Tv. It seemed to glitch out as water dripped from it as it gripped the edge of your Tv screen and not long after another arm shot out and did the same. Soon the top of a head poked out of the screen that was then quickly followed by a torso. Sticking halfway out of your Tv was a young man with soaking wet blond hair and a familiar green hat resting on top of his head. From what you saw, he seemed to be wearing nothing but green that stood out against his pale skin.

You could say he almost looked totally normal if it wasn’t for two things—they way his body seemed to glitch as he came crawling out of your Tv and the fact that his eyes were pitch black with two red pinprick pupils that seemed to have blood leaking from them and down his face. He looked at you with a smirk as he was almost fully out ofthe Tv, but before he could react, you suddenly threw one of the throw pillows at him. Which was soon followed by another and then another one, causing him to narrow his eyes in irritation as he growled before wincing as the remote was soon thrown at him. Hitting him square in the face. “Bitch!” he snarled before disappearing back into the Tv and leaving you alone.

“The hell just happened?” you asked no one in particular as you sat there, confused and terrified.

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios - Chapter 1 - Punklovergirl68 - Creepypasta (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6378

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.