Recipe: 3-Ingredient Pulled Pork Empanadas! - The Food Hussy (2024)

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One of my favorite quick serve meals is empanadas! These pulled pork empanadas are on the table in 30 minutes – with none of the mess of making dough from scratch! Plus I’ve got 3 different filling options that will make everyone happy!

Ingredients for Pulled Pork Empanadas

Traditional empanadas can take a lot of time – but I’ve got a super easy short cut for you – puff pastry! I got a roll of puff pastry and some leftover pulled pork and went to town! These little guys are crispy, filling and delicious! Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Leftover Pulled Pork – I made a big batch on my Traeger and now I have little bags in the freezer I pull out whenever I’m hungry! You can also use the pre-cooked kind in the store (i.e. Curly’s).
  • Puff Pastry – No worries about making dough – this flaky pastry is available at any grocery store – usually with two sheets
  • Filling Ideas – I came up with three different fillings for these guys:
    • apple pie filling
    • cole slaw
    • Gouda cheese
  • Egg – you’ll basted the outside of the pastry with a beaten egg for that beautiful golden brown
Recipe: 3-Ingredient Pulled Pork Empanadas! - The Food Hussy (2)


Here are the filling ideas I used matched to the photo above:

  • Top: Pulled Pork+Coleslaw – yes I put coleslaw (from the deli case) in with the pork before I cooked it!It doesn’t get mushy at all and it adds a great crunch to the filling!
  • Middle: Pulled Pork +Apple Slice – I had some leftover apple pie filling and just put a slice of apple on top of the pulled pork. Apples & pork go so well together – this was a natural pairing and was delicious! (You could also use pineapple!) This was my favorite! The fruit added so much flavor!
  • Bottom: Pulled Pork + Gouda – I had some leftover shredded Gouda and topped the pork with a little cheese! This made the inside of the empanada cheesy and meaty! I dipped this one in sour cream when it was done.
Recipe: 3-Ingredient Pulled Pork Empanadas! - The Food Hussy (3)

How to make Pulled Pork Empanadas

They were super simple to make and pretty fun! The kids can even get involved and put their favorite fillings inside. Here’s what you do:

  • Unroll the puff pastry and cut circles out of the pastry.
  • Add 1-2 tbsp of pulled pork on top of the pastry circle.
    • If your pulled pork is not sauced, you can add some of your favorite bbq sauce
  • Add 1 tbsp of your favorite add-on topping (cole slaw, gouda or apple pie filling)
  • Fold pastry circle over and pinch edges together with the tines of a fork.
  • Lay empanadas on prepared baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper
  • Baste empanadas with a beaten egg wash
  • Bake at 425º for 15-20 minutes
  • Remove from oven and serve with extra cole slaw, bbq sauce and sour cream
Recipe: 3-Ingredient Pulled Pork Empanadas! - The Food Hussy (4)

What to Serve with Pulled Pork Empanadas

  • No Cook Fridge Pickles
  • Air Fryer Roasted Cauliflower
  • Air Fryer Carrot Fries

More Recipes with Pulled Pork

  • Pulled Pork Hash Brown Casserole
  • Hawaiian Pulled Pork Sliders
  • Pulled Pork Omelettes

Recipe: 3-Ingredient Pulled Pork Empanadas! - The Food Hussy (5)

Pulled Pork Empanadas – 3 Ways

One of my favorite quick serve meals is empanadas! These pulled pork empanadas are on the table in 30 minutes! Plus I've got 3 different filling options that will make everyone happy!

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

Total Time 30 minutes mins

Course Entree

Cuisine American

Servings 4 people


  • 1 Puff Pastry Sheet
  • 1 lb pulled pork
  • 1 egg beaten

Filling Options

  • 1/2 cup shredded Gouda cheese
  • 1/2 cup cole slaw
  • 1/2 cup apple pie filling


  • Preheat oven to 425º

  • Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper

  • Cut out rounds of puff pastry with a bowl and set on the parchment paper

    1 Puff Pastry Sheet

  • Top with 1-2 Tbsp of Curly’s Pulled Pork & your topping choice

    1 lb pulled pork, 1/2 cup shredded Gouda cheese, 1/2 cup cole slaw, 1/2 cup apple pie filling

  • Fold circle over and use edge of fork to pinch edges together

  • Brush tops with beaten egg

    1 egg

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes until tops are golden brown

  • Serve with bbq sauce, cole slaw and sour cream for extra dipping!


**We are not dietitians and recommend you seek a nutritionist for exact nutritional information. The information in the nutrition box are calculated through a program and there is room for error. If you need an accurate count, I recommend running the ingredients through your favorite nutrition calculator.**

Keyword empanadas, pulled pork

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Recipe: 3-Ingredient Pulled Pork Empanadas! - The Food Hussy (2024)


What is the secret to pulled pork? ›

Low and Slow

After achieving a beautiful, deep brown sear, lower the heat to 325 to allow the pork to become tender. The shoulder will cook in its own juices, creating deeply savory and succulent meat. Covering the meat keeps the moisture internal, resulting in the perfect bite.

What kind of cheese do you use for pulled pork? ›

Cheddar: Sharp, tangy, and full-flavoured, cheddar complements the smoky, sweet taste of barbecue sauce. Monterey Jack: Mild and melty, Monterey Jack adds creaminess without overpowering the other flavours. Pepper Jack: A spicy variation of Monterey Jack, this cheese adds a kick of heat to the sandwich.

What is best for making pulled pork? ›

Pork shoulder is ideal for pulling purposes. It has an optimum fat content that yields to create tender, melty meat, but it's essential you cook it slowly to allow the protein to break down properly.

How to make leftover pulled pork juicy? ›

Add a stick of butter to the top of the meat. Note: I was short on butter while taking these pictures so I had to use a half stick on each pan to make it work. That was enough but in my opinion, a whole stick is best. During the reheating process, the butter will melt and juice up the meat.

What liquid keeps pulled pork moist? ›

Additionally, spray chicken broth or apple juice on the meat to prevent it from losing more moisture in the crockpot. To add a strong flavor during the process, white wine can also be sprayed.

Why add apple cider vinegar to pulled pork? ›

The acid from the apple cider and apple cider vinegar help to tenderize the meat while also keeping it juicy and flavorful. The low and slow cooking method makes it fall apart as soon as your fork touches it and shreds beautifully.

What kind of buns are best with pulled pork? ›

What kind of rolls are best for pulled pork sandwiches? My first choice is a brioche bun. Other great options include hamburger or potato buns, dinner rolls, and hawaiian rolls.

Do you put mayo on a pulled pork sandwich? ›

Pour sauce over meat and toss well. Spread buns with Hellmann's® Real Mayonnaise and fill with pulled pork.

How do I get more flavor in my pulled pork? ›

The smoke flavor is much more intense after the pulled pork has been sitting overnight. I simply take a container from fridge, bring to room temperature and re-heat at 175-200 degrees in a glass container for an hour or two (add a little apple juice or sweetened cider vinegar if needed).

How do you add flavor to pulled pork after cooking? ›

This thin, vinegar-based finishing sauce, which differs from a BBQ sauce, is the secret ingredient to kick up my smoked pulled pork. After you've pulled your pork butt, drizzle over the meat and combine. The vinegar adds contrast to the smoky flavor and cuts through the fat in the meat.

Does pork get more tender the longer it cooks in a slow cooker? ›

The cut comes from closer to the shoulder (as the name implies!), where the muscles are a bit tougher and have more connective tissue. This is a good thing for slow cooking since it means the cuts become more tender as they cook.

Do you drain pulled pork juices? ›

Once cooked, remove the juices from the pan, remove the fat layer from the liquid and set aside. Shred up the pork using two forks. 4.

How do BBQ restaurants keep pulled pork moist? ›

Many competition barbecue teams will wrap briskets and pork butts in aluminum foil during the final stages of cooking and add broth, juice, or other flavorful concoctions to the foil package.

What can you do with the juice from pulled pork? ›

They even recommend adding the juice when mashing potatoes, substituting pork juice for water when boiling rice, and using a bit of the juice when preparing beans. You may have an immediate use for your pulled pork juice, but chances are likely you need to find a way to store it.

Why add soda to pulled pork? ›

All you'll need to do is pour an entire can of root beer into your slow cooker — or whatever vessel you're using to make your pulled pork — and let the soda work its magic. The sugar and carbonization will work together to flavor your meat and make it melt-in-your-mouth tender.

Why is pulled pork not shredding? ›

The kind of meat you're smoking will influence the texture of your shreds. Pork shoulder and butt contain tons of fat that keeps the meat juicy and soft when cooking. Your meat could not shred properly if you attempted to smoke a leaner cut, such as tenderloin. The issue of the meat bark is another issue.


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.