Poor things < Slieker (2024)

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Poor things < Slieker (2024)


What did Godwin's dad do to him Poor Things? ›

The experiments Godwin's own father practiced on him in his youth have left him disfigured with bodily functions that don't quite work as they should. Yet, Godwin is tender and paternal in his treatment of Bella as her mind rapidly matures.

What does the ending of "poor things" mean? ›

Bella ends up living happily at Godwin's estate and swapping Alfie's brain with a goat. Bella's choice to leave Max at the altar for Alfie hints at her curiosity and desire for truth. Duncan reunites Bella and Alfie out of spite and control, but she eventually breaks free.

Is Poor Things controversy? ›

The film's themes have led to backlash, with some claiming that the fact it has a male director, and therefore a male gaze, makes it sexist.

Why did God burp bubbles in Poor Things? ›

Now, there is at least something grotesque about him—because his innards were also experimented on, he can't properly digest and needs a contraption to expel nearly solid burp bubbles whenever he eats. That's the kind of bonkers imagination I was looking for throughout.

What is disturbing about Poor Things? ›

Content warning: the film depicts scenes of blood, interior organs, dead corpses, graphic surgery, suicide, sexual assault, prostitution and nudity. The film “Poor Things” got some of the most mixed reviews that I have ever seen, making it arguably one of the most impactful films of the year.

Why is Willem Dafoe's face scarred in Poor Things? ›

Baxter, his face and body riddled with scars and deformities because of his father's quest to figure out what a human body can do, finds himself drawn to experimentation of his own, and ends up creating a young woman, Bella (Stone), by transplanting a baby's brain into the body of her mother, who died in childbirth.

Why didn't Bella save Godwin? ›

This is also a movie about cruelty, and Bella has discovered the inherent cruelty that is part of being a human. Saving God would be compassionate and an act of love but turning the abusive Alfie into a goat is a better punchline. Bella's opted for control and chaos which suits her well.

What happens to Godwin in Poor Things? ›

Godwin dies peacefully with Bella and Max at his side.

What was the point of the Poor Things movie? ›

The figure at the film's center, Bella Baxter, seeks to achieve enlightenment, become her truest self, and establish enriching relationships with people who genuinely love her and don't just want to control her.

What scene was cut from "Poor Things"? ›

The British Board of Film Classification required an edit for a scene involving kids watching Emma Stone's character Bella Baxter work as a prostitute.

Is the movie "Poor Things" an ableist? ›

But it also reinforces ableism by using Bella's stiff movements to create a horror-movie atmosphere. Bella also doesn't notice social cues, exaggerating a stereotype of autistic people. Some viewers may think the disability comparisons are unwarranted, but the film explicitly makes them from the beginning.

Is "Poor Things" a true story? ›

PSA: Poor Things is not a true story.

Was Bella in Poor Things a child? ›

Victoria in Poor Things is estimated to be around 30 years old when she takes her own life, more or less matching Stone's age during filming. Bella starts Poor Things as an infant, but rapidly develops both mentally and physically throughout the film's timeline.

What is Willem Dafoe's accent in Poor Things? ›

The only nod to Glasgow is in Willem Dafoe's Glaswegian accent as Godwin Baxter, which the actor said he partly based on Alasdair Gray's accent. Let's explore the uniquely Glasgow atmosphere of the book, as well as the life of Alasdair Gray and how people have reacted to changes made in the new film.

Why did the madame bite Bella in Poor Things? ›

The madame of a brothel, Swiney reveals herself a predator who is hot for Bella, biting Bella's earlobes when the desire gets to be too much, returning to her controlling position. During her time with Duncan, and now in the brothel, Bella's awakening (both sexual and intellectual) explodes.

What happened to Godwin's face in the Poor Things summary? ›

Called “God” by Bella, Godwin bears grotesque scars on his face and body resulting from his childhood experience as the subject of his father's deranged scientific curiosity – an experience that failed to stymie his own rather baroque quest for empirical facts.

What happened to Godwin on Poor Things? ›

Godwin dies, but his legacy as a surgeon lives on through Bella. At the end of Poor Things, we see Bella living in Godwin's mansion alongside the company of Max, Toinette, and Goat Alfie.

Is Godwin in the Poor Things Frankenstein? ›

The realization “Frankenstein actually is the monster” has been worn out from discussion in every high school English class. In Poor Things, Godwin is the carved-up brute while his creation is an ever-radiant Emma Stone. His father, a renowned and eccentric surgeon himself, experimented on Godwin throughout his youth.

What is one reason the Godwin family were important? ›

The Godwin family links to Edward the Confessor

Power - Earl Godwin was the most powerful Anglo-Saxon noble. in England because he controlled Wessex, which was the wealthiest of the separate English provinces. Godwin had a lot of military force, which Edward relied upon.


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.