Mousou Shoujo Otaku-Kei Character Profiles (2025)

1. Mousou Shoujo Otaku-kei (Fujoshi Rumi) | Manga -

  • 12 apr 2006 · Takahiro Abe, a regular high school boy, has a crush on Rumi Asai, who happens to be a hardcore, yaoi-loving, otaku-ish fujoshi.

  • Takahiro Abe, a regular high school boy, has a crush on Rumi Asai, who happens to be a hardcore, yaoi-loving, otaku-ish fujoshi. Her biggest fantasy is Abe and Shunsuke Chiba, the handsome class playboy, having homosexual affairs. To make things more complicated, Youko Matsui, class babe, accidentally reveals herself as an otaku-in-closet, and befriends Asai sharing fellow otaku interests. Every time Abe tries to convey his sincere feelings to Asai, something always gets in the way, be it his crazy friends or Asai's misunderstandings. How will he be able to confess to this bizarre girl!? (Source: ANN)

2. Fujoshi Rumi: Mousou Shoujo Otaku Kei (manga) - Anime News Network

  • Takahiro Abe, a regular high school boy, has a crush on Rumi Asai, who happens to be a hardcore, yaoi-loving, otaku-ish fujoshi.

  • ×

3. Mousou Shoujo Otakukei - MangaUpdates

  • 10 nov 2023 · Abe Takahiro is an ordinary, well-adjusted, high school student, who falls in love with his bespectacled classmate Asai Rumi.

  • Latest And Newest Manga Release Updates and News

4. Fujoshi Rumi/Mousou Shoujo Otaku Kei - Small Fandoms

5. Mousou Shoujo Otakukei Manga -

  • 25 nov 2018 · Takahiro Abe is an ordinary, well-adjusted, proper young man. In his freshman year in High School, who fell in love with Rumi Asai, an anything but ordinary, ...

  • Takahiro Abe is an ordinary, well-adjusted, proper young man. In his freshman year in High School, who fell in love with Rumi Asai, an anything but ordinary, Yaoi Moe Otaku girl, (A hardcore fan of Yaoi mangas and anime). Rumi is utterly convinced Takahiro and Shunsuke Chiba, Abe's best friend from middle school are in love with each other and is letting her Fujoshi (term for a Yaoi fan girl) Fantasies run wild! Can love happen between an ordinary guy and a Fujoshi?!

6. Review: FUJOSHI RUMI - The Manga Test Drive

  • 8 jun 2017 · She may be an otaku, but outside of her obsession with her favorite shows and her dirty mind, she's an otherwise functional and sociable young ...

  • With con season in full swing, it's time to once again take a look at manga that are all about fandom, otaku-dom, and all things nerdy.  Of ...

7. The Fujoshi Files 10: Asai Rumi - OGIUE MANIAX

  • 16 aug 2009 · Name: Asai, Rumi (浅井留美) ; Alias: Asa Matsu (アサマツ) ; Relationship Status: Complicated ; Origin: Mousou Shoujo Otakukei.

  • Name: Asai, Rumi (浅井留美) Alias: Asa Matsu (アサマツ) Relationship Status: Complicated Origin: Mousou Shoujo Otakukei Information: The students of North Haneda High are baffled by how the unassuming Asai…

8. Mousou Shoujo Otaku-kei Chapter 51 Discussion - Forums - MyAnimeList

  • 2 dec 2015 · I feel like the relationship between Abe and Rumi has been childish and developed but very slowly and with obstacles (mainly work and Momose).

  • THIS IS A MANGA ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING BEYOND THIS CHAPTER. ---------------------------------------- Predictable that Momose started to like Fuji for real. I always thought they had a connection in a way from the first time they've met. Oh thank goodness they finally realized their feelings now.. I feel like the relationship between Abe and Rumi has been childish and developed but very slowly and with obstacles (mainly work and Momose). Oh well, at least they were able to admit it. I still find Chiba/Matsuri to be a much better and realistic couple though especially with everything they have gone through. Overall, 8/10. This was so much better than I had expected. Started off like some weird comedy but the satirical approach at making fun of BL was pretty funny. I also really like Matsuri and Rumi's friendship as they've been great from start to finish. Matsuri always coming to the help of Rumi when she is down while Rumi is able to push a bit of her advice towards Matsuri about "love". Another of my favorite character is Chiba's sister as she is one of the most caring and mature characters I've seen. I think the downside is Momose's role in this series. She really is a big obstacle to almost everything in the latter half of the story. Really disliked her two-faced personality and sarcasm throughout the entire time. Good thing she never got that kiss that was requested to Abe. So yeah, great stuff. This reminds me of Genshiken slightly but with some mor...

9. 【Manga】妄想少女オタク系 / Fujoshi Rumi - polymetrica -

  • 3 sep 2009 · Even though this is a seinen manga that seems extremely shoujo-like at times, I would recommend it to everyone over the age of 16 (because of ...

  • Haven’t read manga in a while, but I’m really glad I read this one..! Absolute classic! Original Title: 妄想少女オタク系 (Geeky Girl Obsession) English Title: Fujoshi Rumi Author: 紺條夏生 (KONJOU …

10. Moso Shojo Otaku Kei (2007) - MyDramaList

  • Bevat niet: Mousou | Resultaten tonen met:Mousou

  • Rumi Asai is a typical otaku girl who is interested only in BL-manga. She cannot even imagine one of the two most popular guys in her class would be interested...

11. Moso Shojo Otaku-kei | HEARTS OF FURIOUS FANCIES -

  • “My research is informed by Teresa de Lauretis who has written in relation to her analysis of the feminist debates on pornography (produced for heterosexual men) ...

  • Posts about Moso Shojo Otaku-kei written by mudakun

12. Fudanshi Manga List – @fudanshitrash on Tumblr

  • by Syundei (Gay main character that has an interest in BL manga, although not a fully outspoken fudanshi) Ikenai Mousou ... Anime featuring otaku main character: ...

  • I really love reading manga about fudanshi, and/or Boys Love manga featuring otaku guys, maybe because I can relate so well! If there's anyone likeminded I've compiled a list of all the scanlated and…

Mousou Shoujo Otaku-Kei Character Profiles (2025)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.