Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (2024)

The stone is known to be both pure and serene. It is said to be a stone of truth and can help you to find your inner voice. Jade is also thought to be a powerful guardian against negative energy.

Jade has a long history of use in Asian cultures for jewelry, carvings, and other decorative items. The Chinese believe that jade represents perfection and immortality.

This stone will cover the jade meaning, how it is used, mediation practices, and more.

Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (1)

Jade Meaning

Jade is a metaphysical crystal that is believed to have a variety of properties. Some believe that it can bring wealth and good luck, while others believe that it can promote serenity and inner peace. It is also said to be able to enhance fertility and protect against harm.

Many people enjoy wearing jade jewelry not only because of its color but also for the aforementioned qualities of the stone. It is also used in feng shui practices. Some people believe that jade can help to create a sense of balance in one’s life.

The jade stone gets its name from the Spanish term, “piedra de ijada” which means “stone of the loin” or “stone of the side pain.” This is in reference to an ancient belief that jade could cure kidneys and groin ailments.

Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (2)

Jade Uses and Benefits

The uses of the jade crystals are many and varied, both metaphysical and physical. Metaphysically, it promotes serenity, peace, and tranquility and attracts good luck and prosperity.

Physically, it is said to have healing properties for a variety of ailments, including but not limited to: the lungs, heart, spleen, kidneys, and bladder. It is also said to be helpful in relieving stress and tension and calming the mind.

Additionally, the jade stone is purported to increase self-confidence and help one to achieve goals. As such, it is often used as a talisman or amulet.

Crystal Health Disclaimer

While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.

Jade Physical Benefits

Many people have claimed to have been helped through the healing properties of jade crystals. While you should never forgo professional medical treatment for crystal healing, you may still be able to benefit from these earth stones.

Some of the ways you may be healed through the green jade stone include the following:

  • Energy

    Adrenal Glands. These glands are responsible for the production of energy and stress hormones. Jade can help them by improving the circulation of energy in the body, helping to reduce stress.

  • Circulatory System

    Jade has long been known as a stone that helps the heart to work more efficiently. It is said to help with problems such as high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and arrhythmia. The spleen is responsible for filtering blood and removing old cells and debris. Jade is said to help keep the spleen healthy and functioning properly.

  • Urinary System

    Traditionally, jade has been used to help with kidney problems. It is said to help clear out toxins from the kidneys and improve their function. The bladder is responsible for storing urine until it is excreted from the body. The jade stone is said to help with urinary infections and improve bladder function. Jade is said to help with a variety of digestive problems.

  • Skeletal System

    Jade is said to be beneficial for the skeletal system, helping to heal bones, joints, and muscles.

  • Skin

    Jade is said to be helpful in treating a variety of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Jade Emotional Benefits

Jade also has a lot of emotional benefits that can bring positive life to your body and relationships. Jade can offer healing powers to your emotional body in the following way:

  • Self Care

    When you are feeling depleted, jade can help to bring in the energy of love, nurturing, and support. Jade is also said to be helpful in bringing in new beginnings and promoting fresh starts.

  • Calming

    If you are someone who tends to have a lot of anger, jade can help to cool that anger and bring in more peaceful energy. If you are someone who tends to worry a lot, jade can help to calm your mind and bring in a sense of peace.

  • True Love

    Jade is also known as a stone of love. It can help to improve relationships and bring in more love.

  • Joy

    Jade is said to be a stone of happiness. It is said to bring in positive energy and promote a positive outlook on life.

  • Balance

    In general, jade is said to be a stone that can help with emotional healing. It can help to soothe the soul and bring in a sense of peace.

Jade Metaphysical Properties

Not only does jade offer the above healing properties, but both smooth and rough jade also contains metaphysical properties that can bring you good fortune and improve your life. Here are a few of the crystal that is also known as the “dream stone”:

  • Good Fortune

    Jade is considered to be the ultimate good luck charm by many cultures (especially the Chinese culture). It brings good fortune, luck, and prosperity through its lucky and light energy. In fact, Jade has become known as a lucky stone.

  • Protection

    Jade is also said to be a protective stone. It is said to protect against negative energies and forces. It can also help to protect you from harm and keep you safe.

  • Balance

    Jade is known as a stone of balance. It can help to bring balance into your life in all areas, including physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It can bring your soul into deep harmony.

  • Awareness

    It is also said to unlock hidden knowledge and help you to see things that you may not have been able to see before.

  • Mental Clarity

    Jade is also known for improving mental clarity and increasing your understanding.

Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (3)

Jade Meditation and Grounding

There are many ways to meditate with jade, but the easiest is to simply hold the stone in your hand during meditation.

When you’re first starting out, it’s a good idea to sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath and allow yourself to relax.

As you become more comfortable, you can experiment with different meditation techniques. One of the most popular is to imagine that you are surrounded by a white light. This light protects you from harm and brings peace and calmness to your mind and spirit.

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try meditating with jade. The stone’s calming energy will help ground you and create a sense of peace.

Jade Chakras

Jade has a special relationship with the heart chakra. As it opens and interacts with the chakra, it helps to circulate energy throughout the body. It also helps connect the heart and mind, promoting compassion and understanding.

  • Heart Chakra

    The heart chakra (Anahata) is the fourth primary chakra. It serves as the center for unconditional love, empathy, joy, forgiveness, and connection. As the fourth chakra, the heart chakra bridges the upper and lower chakras. When Anahata is aligned, you will feel that challenges are easier to face and your relationships will be stronger. In some ways, the world may seem brighter and full of opportunity, joy, and beauty.

Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (4)

Types of Jade

There are many types of this earth stone that have been used for centuries, even from the origin of ancient cultures. Depending on the variety, you will not have variations in the natural patterns of the stone, but it ist physical healing properties. Jade is a lucky charm regardless.

Here are some of the various types of jade:

  1. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (5)

    Nephrite Jade

    This type of jade can help improve your spirit by bringing in more positive energy. It also has a very stabilizing effect and can help to reduce stress.

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    This type of jade is considered the most precious. It has a very intense energy and can be used to bring about change.

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    Mutton Fat Jade

    Also known as white jade, this stone can help with spiritual growth, clarity of thought, and intuition.

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    Lavender Jade

    This stone has a very calming energy and can be helpful in reducing anxiety and promoting restful sleep.

  5. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (9)Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (10)

    Green Jade

    Green jade is said to be the most abundant type of jade. It has soothing energy and can help to create a sense of peace and harmony. Green shades of jade beads are always considered to be prized jade.

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    Imperial Jade

    This is the most valuable type of jade and is a deep green color. It is said to bring good luck and fortune.

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    Blue Jade

    Blue jade is known to be a stone of courage and strength. It can help you move forward in times of adversity and be a support when facing challenges.

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    Yellow Jade

    Yellow jade is said to be a stone of happiness and good fortune. It can help to attract positive energy and bring about a sunny disposition.

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    Brown Jade

    Brown jade is known as a grounding stone. It can help to connect you with the earth and provide a sense of stability.

  10. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (15)Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (16)

    Black Jade

    Black jade is known as a stone of protection. It can absorb negative energy and help to deflect misfortune.

  11. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (17)

    Taiwan Jade

    Taiwan jade is a type of jade that is said to bring good luck. It is also known as a stone of love and can help to open the heart chakra.

Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (18)

Jade Crystal Combinations

Jade stones offer many healing properties that can benefit your whole being. That being said, these properties can be intensified or new vibrations can be made when the stone is paired with other earth stones.

Some of the best jade pairings include the following powerful stones:

  1. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (19)Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (20)


    This stone is said to bring about inner strength and fortitude. It can be helpful in times of grief or loss and help ease fears and anxiety. Jade and onyx are two stones that are often used together to promote strength and courage during difficult times.

  2. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (21)Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (22)


    This dark green stone is known for its ability to promote communication and understanding. It is also said to be a powerful protector against negative energy. Turquoise is a great stone to pair with jade if you are looking to open up your heart chakra and promote healing.

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    This white stone is often used in meditation and is said to promote peace and calmness. It can also help to relieve stress and tension. Howlite is a perfect companion for jade when you are looking to achieve a calm and centered state of mind.

  4. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (25)Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (26)

    Black Tourmaline

    This stone is known for its ability to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit. It is also said to be a powerful shield against negative energy. Black tourmaline is a great stone to use with jade when you need extra protection and support.

  5. Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (27)Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (28)


    This stone is known for its ability to promote tranquility and peace. It can also help to relieve anxiety and stress. Amethyst is a perfect stone to use with jade when you need to calm and soothe your mind and emotions.

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    This stone is known for its ability to increase vitality and energy levels. It can also help to stimulate creativity and motivation. Carnelian is a great stone to use with jade when you need an extra boost of energy or when you are feeling creatively blocked.

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    This stone is known for providing protection and promoting grounding. It can also help to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Obsidian is a great stone to use with jade when you need extra support and stability.

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Charging and Cleansing

You should always charge and cleanse your jade gemstone. Not only should it be cleansed when you initially bring it into your home, but you should continually cleanse and charge it periodically with use.

  • Running Water

    Holding a stone in running water for about a minute each can both cleanse and charge many hard stones. Access to a natural spring is always best, but faucets also work as long as the stone can be completely submerged. You can also place them in a fountain to allow the water to run over the stones. Dry with a soft cloth when you remove the stone from the water.

  • Incense/Herbs

    Using a sage bundle is one of the best ways to cleanse your stones of negative energy. If you don’t have sage, you can light incense or herbs near your crystals or move the stones through the smoke. This will help clear any negative emotions that your gem has absorbed. When clearing your stones this way indoors, you will want to open a window so that the negativity can leave.

  • Smudging

    Smudging your stones will immediately remove negative energies, so it is important to open a window for them to leave if you are cleansing your crystals indoors. Simply light either used bundled or loose sage with a match then blow out the flame to produce smoke. Wave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear bad vibrations. Ensure you use a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.

  • Sun

    While the sun can charge your stones very quickly, you will want to remove the stone from the sun after an hour or two as the sun could discolor your crystals (even those that are sun-safe). You can set your stone outside or on a windowsill to absorb the powerful energy from the heavens. The time you need to charge your crystals will vary, but they can often be ready in just a few minutes.

  • Full Moon

    Cleansing your stones with the full moon is an excellent way to remove negativity. At twilight, place your crystals on a windowsill or a place where they will be able to absorb the light of the moon (and its vibrations). Remove the stone the following morning before the sun gets too high into the sky. You can also place several stones on a grid to charge with a specific intention.

  • Charging Stones

    Placing your crystal on a Selenite wand, inside an Amethyst or Quartz geode, or placing it near other charging crystals (such as Carnelian) can safely charge any stone. While smaller stones could charge in a matter of minutes, it is a good idea to keep them with the charging stones for at least 24 hours. The cleansing stones will remove negative vibrations that your crystal may have absorbed.


Jade is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to bring about balance in the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to promote calmness, peace, and serenity, and can be especially helpful in times of stress or anxiety. Jade is also said to be a powerful protector against negative energy and can be used to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit.

Jade can intensify its healing properties when paired with other stones or create new vibrations altogether. If you are looking for a stone that can promote balance and harmony in your life, jade is a perfect choice.

Jade Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (2024)


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