How Craft SEO Captions for Instagram | WebHummel (2024)

It’s easy to underestimate the power of Instagram captions. After all, there’s a digital rumour going around that Instagram is dying, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. While, yes, the platform as we know it is dead – say goodbye to photos and hello to reels – Instagram turned a healthy profit of $50 billion last year. Psst, here’s a secret: amidst the ever-evolving social media landscape, you can get a taste of your own success by learning how to craft effective SEO captions for Instagram.

Instagram remains a bustling hub for engagement and connection. In this digital age, where visual content reigns supreme, crafting SEO-focused captions for your Instagram posts can be the key to not only surviving but thriving on the platform.

In this easy and actionable guide, we’ll unlock the secrets to creating captivating, SEO-optimised Instagram content that will not only grab attention but also significantly boost your follower count. So, let’s dive into the world of Instagram SEO and discover how it can propel your presence to new heights.

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  • The foundations of SEO
  • How SEO applies to Instagram
  • How does the Instagram algorithm work?
  • 8 steps to writing Instagram captions that rank
  • Instagram SEO best practices
  • Outsourcing your social media needs

The foundations of SEO

SEO, for the uninitiated, stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It’s the process by which you enhance your website’s visibility within Google’s (and other search engine’s) results pages.

Think of it like this: imagine your website as a building you want to construct in a bustling and overcrowded neighbourhood (the internet). You want to build and design the structure to be eye-catching, attractive, functional, and easily accessible to visitors and hopefully returning guests.

Just like a building needs a solid foundation, your online platform requires a strong technical underpinning (technical SEO knowledge), high-quality materials (content) and a detailed blueprint (marketing brief). Not to mention ongoing maintenance and repairs!

How SEO applies to Instagram

If my analogy was successful, you should now have a good idea about what we mean by SEO. But how does this all translate to social media, and Instagram in particular?

Let’s think back to the building comparison. Instagram, like a ‘buzzing’ neighbourhood, is a highly competitive space. Think of your Instagram profile as a storefront in a trendy part of town. To attract customers (followers) and ensure they keep coming back, you need to apply SEO-like principles to enhance your virtual curb appeal.

There are two types of SEO you need to get to grips with to improve your Instagram reach:

  1. On-page SEO: Optimisations that you make directly within your account such as adding Instagram SEO keywords to your captions and/or bio.
  2. Off-page SEO: Activities external to the platform that improve your Instagram’s visibility, including link building from other websites, for example, an eCommerce store.

Why is Instagram SEO important?

With 1.35 billion active users, it’d be daft not to tap into the SEO potential of Instagram. While social media signals aren’t a direct search engine ranking factor, it pays dividends to curate a large and loyal following as they help bolster your brand awareness, make your products on the platform more visible and position your business as a reputable and authoritative source in your particular niche. You can also direct traffic to your website by sharing links in your bio / Stories.

Another thing we’d be remiss not to mention is Instagram’s renowned Explore page, A.K.A Instagram’s search function and directory to every account on the platform.

As you would type in a query into Google, you can use the search bar to explore a wealth of accounts, hashtags, topics and locations. Using Instagram SEO and exploiting this handy feature you can nab 30% more reach and 2x as many likes for your content. But to do that we need to understand the platform’s algorithm.

How does the Instagram algorithm work?

For many, the Instagram algorithm is seen as the great equaliser. Whether you’re a small business just starting out or the most-followed individual on the platform (we’re looking at you, Ronaldo), every user has something to gain from gaming the algorithm.

The more deeply you understand its workings, the more precisely you can cater to it and optimise your posting, and – bam! – outperform your competitors.

What is the Instagram algorithm?

Some more myth-busting coming up: what is the Instagram algorithm?

If you’re looking to improve your Insta reach, you need to align your content with your audience and signal this via tactics that the algorithm favours. The algorithm is a set of complex rules that decide what content to boost in people’s feeds and in what order to place it. This covers everything from individual feeds, the Explore Page, the Reels feed, hashtag results and more.

Put short and sweet: the Instagram algorithm is the mechanism that scans and digests information about the content on the platform – namely posts, Reels and Stories – alongside the behaviour of users such as interests and Instagram activity. Using what it has gleaned from this it serves up the right content to the right users.

How to beat the Instagram algorithm in 2023

Now, in order to “beat” the algorithm and come out on top you need to be centring your content around the following ranking factors:

  • Feed Algorithm: Actions users take within the feed, such as liking, commenting, sharing, and saving posts, along with information about the posts themselves and the people who posted them.
  • Stories Algorithm: Stories users have either viewed or interacted with in the past.
  • Explore Page Algorithm: User engagement within the Explore section, including their likes, comments, and shares there, as well as details about the posts and the creators.
  • Reels Algorithm: User activity within Reels, encompassing actions like liking, commenting, sharing, and saving Reels, plus the information regarding the Reel content and the creators.

This means that whatever you post you need to be thinking about the bond between your brand and the viewer, post frequency, content relevancy and how interesting it will be to potential viewers. It’s all about grabbing their attention and holding it with insightful posts that meet their needs.

Let’s look at the strategies required in more depth.

How Craft SEO Captions for Instagram | WebHummel (1)

A step-by-step guide to writing Instagram captions that rank

1. Begin with in-depth keyword research

The best place to start exploring the world of Instagram SEO is with thorough keyword research. Uncover the terms and phrases your target audience is using to boost your post’s discoverability by diving down the Instagram rabbit hole. What keywords are your competitors using? What kind of posts do audiences respond best to? Try to inform your research with audience search intent.

Collect a list of hashtags and queries your ideal customers use and map them against your social media content pillars. FYI, content pillars are a handy marketing tool – a set of interconnected topics around one core theme. For instance, a web developer might have the following content pillars: sustainable web design tips, CMS recommendations, customer testimonials etc. etc.

2. Choose a primary and secondary keyword

Lay the foundation for your SEO captions by selecting a primary and secondary keyword. These will be your guiding stars as we craft captivating captions.

The primary keyword should be reserved for your display name and username. As users input their queries into the search bar, your alignment with their intent helps drive you closer to achieving that sought-after top-of-search ranking. We’ll come back to these later.

3. Consider caption length and purpose

Captions can vary in length, and the ideal length depends on your content and audience. Consider whether your caption is meant to inform, entertain, inspire, or engage your audience. Tailor the length to match your content’s purpose.

Here, it’s advisable to be calculated. Be intentional about your line breaks and use of space. Employ grease slide phrases to guide the reader through the content and give them a reason to stay.

4. Craft your caption using storytelling and humour

When crafting your Instagram captions, you want to employ a range of techniques that match your brand tone of voice. Storytelling can captivate your audience, while humour can make your content more relatable and shareable. Data, facts and figures can intrigue and demonstrate authority, but remember that people remember narratives over numbers.

5. Sprinkle your captions with your SEO keywords

Remember when we picked out two main Instagram SEO keywords? This is when you’ll need them. Integrate these keywords naturally into your captions. Avoid keyword stuffing, but ensure they are relevant and fit seamlessly into the context.

6. Add flair with suitable emojis

Emojis can add personality to your captions and make them more visually appealing, all whilst aiding cohesion by breaking up paragraphs or sentences. Use emojis that match your content and brand voice, but don’t overdo it. Keep it balanced and authentic like this example below 👇

How Craft SEO Captions for Instagram | WebHummel (2)

7. Use SEO-powered hashtags

Master the art of hashtag selection and placement to supercharge your SEO efforts and attract a wider audience. Use your research and include relevant, high-impact hashtags that relate to your content, and when you grow a sizeable enough following, create your own. Combine popular and niche hashtags to expand your reach – and don’t forget to look at hashtag volume.

When a hashtag has been slapped on millions of posts, there’s a risk that your content will be overshadowed. Conversely, if a hashtag is only found in a few hundred posts, it’s likely that it won’t garner attention on the Instagram Explore page. To find a happy medium, opt for hashtags with post counts ranging from 10K-200K for a more balanced and effective reach.

8. Round it off with a powerful CTA

Encourage your followers to take action in your caption. Whether it’s asking them to like, comment, share, or visit your website, a well-crafted CTA can boost engagement and drive the desired outcome from your audience. Be clear and concise in your call to action. Something as simple as a “question of the day” (QOTD) can work wonders for a small biz community.

How Craft SEO Captions for Instagram | WebHummel (3)

Bonus Instagram SEO hacks and best practices

We’ve covered how to write SEO captions for Instagram, but there are a few additional things you can do to boost your account’s visibility.

9. Revamp your profile

Since your bio is among the first elements that visitors encounter on your profile, it stands to reason that it needs to be polished – and every character of those 150 counts. To make a good impression explain succinctly who you are, what you stand for and what you have to offer your audience. Accomplished brands might even incorporate hashtags, emojis and a compelling call to action.

Start by adding a location

Similar to the function of location-based keywords in local SEO, including a location in your bio enhances your profile’s discoverability to those you want to reach. It attracts a more targeted audience, which is beneficial for businesses and creators, and adds authenticity and credibility to your account, making it a valuable part of your Instagram strategy.

Add your primary keyword

Now, make sure you don’t neglect your primary keyword. This could be a best-selling product or service or even your brand name. Depending on your data sources, such as audience demographics and keyword research, you might be aware of common abbreviations or alternative names frequently associated with your brand, so pop this in.

Include a trackable link

Adding a trackable link to your Instagram bio is crucial for monitoring the success of your marketing efforts. By using a trackable link, you can gain valuable insights into user engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates, helping you understand which promotional campaigns or content are resonating most with your audience. Besides the data aspect, it also helps funnel traffic and conversions – exactly what you want!

Sneak keywords into your Instagram profile name

In addition to your captions and bio, the primary keyword should be reserved for your display name and username. As users input their queries into the search bar, your alignment with their intent helps drive you closer to achieving that sought-after top-of-search ranking. Make it memorable for a winning combination of strategies.

10. Select a colourful, on-brand profile picture

Your profile picture is a visual representation of your brand, so choose a picture that’s not only visually appealing but also aligns with your brand’s identity and guidelines. Consistency in branding across your profile helps keep your account easily recognisable and memorable, instantly changing the way you are perceived as a business entity.

11. Don’t forget to optimise your alt text

Alt text is an often overlooked but crucial element for accessibility and search optimisation. It provides descriptions for images, making your content more accessible to visually impaired users to the search engines trying to parse your visual content. By optimising alt text with relevant keywords and descriptions, you improve the discoverability of your posts. So it’s a win-win.

12. Outsource your social media needs

If you can’t beat them join them. Outsourcing your social media needs can be the strategic move that allows you to keep up with the ever-evolving world of digital marketing. Entrusting experts in the field ensures your brand remains visible, engaging, and relevant in the bustling online landscape.

Whether it’s influencer content creation, community management, or staying ahead of algorithm changes, outsourcing brings a wealth of experience and resources to your social media game, helping you focus on what you do best – while the professionals handle all that other stuff.

Let’s put a bow on it

By now you should be one step closer to social media stardom. Instagram’s algorithm may seem complex, but with the right strategies, you can rise above the competition and reach a larger, more engaged audience.

Understanding how the algorithm works, aligning your content with the ranking factors it favours, and consistently focusing on user engagement are key to thriving on this bustling social media platform. Keep finessing your SEO captions for Instagram and monitoring your results, and your content will mature like fine wine. Cheers!

How Craft SEO Captions for Instagram | WebHummel (2024)


How to find the best keywords for Instagram? ›

Use the word cloud feature to uncover common words used in relation to your brand, industry, or hashtags. You can also use the Instagram search bar itself to discover relevant keyphrases. Start typing a keyword in the search bar and you'll see suggested keyword phrases you may want to add to your existing keyword list.

Are captions good for SEO? ›

In fact, adding transcripts and captions to your videos is a proven strategy for improving SEO, views, engagement, and search rank.

What is a SEO caption? ›

Captions are the short texts that accompany images, videos, or other media on your website or social media platforms. They can help you attract and engage your audience, boost your SEO ranking, and convey your brand voice and personality.

What is the SEO keyword in Instagram? ›

Instagram SEO, or search engine optimization, is a technique used to enhance your content and profile's performance. It feeds into search results and the Instagram algorithm, using specific criteria like keywords to target users who might be interested in your content.

Does Instagram alt text help SEO? ›

Alt Text for Instagram SEO: How & Why It Works

It's because this helps search engines understand the content of the image and include it in relevant image search results. Likewise, when you add relevant alt text to an Instagram post, it helps the Instagram algorithm understand what the image is all about.

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Pro tip: Use Hootsuite to boost your Instagram SEO

Within the Hootsuite dashboard, you can monitor what people are talking about and generate trendy content fast. Plus, you can automatically generate optimized captions and hashtags based on your images or videos, so they're easy for users to find.

Do image captions affect SEO? ›

Do image captions help SEO? Unlike image alt tags, image captions are visible to web page visitors and provide more context for images used on the page. Image captions don't directly affect SEO, but they can improve UX and engagement.


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.