Free Printable Journaling Prompts for Confidence and Self Love — Krafty Planner (2024)

Being confident seems like a skill that only certain people have. Whether you think they are confident because they were born that way or because of the way they look or their success. But none of that is true.

Everyone has the same ability to be confident, it just depends on how you think about yourself. Here are some simple ways to improve your own self-confidence and boost your self-esteem.


If you want to be a more confident person, you have to start by identifying and resolving your limiting beliefs. A limiting belief is something you have convinced yourself is true, about something you lack.

When it comes to relationships, you might tell yourself you aren’t lovable or that people won’t accept certain traits you have.

With success and money, you might have limiting beliefs about how much success you can achieve or how much money you can realistically earn.

These might feel like you are just being practical, but they are actually keeping you from being as confident as you could be.


Affirmations are a great way to help you with your confidence and self-esteem. They put positive notions into your head about who you are and everything that is amazing about you.

There are many affirmations specifically to help boost your confidence and self-esteem, helping you see how strong, powerful, smart, and beautiful you truly are. Sometimes you need this little boost of confidence.

Scroll down past the prompts for this month’s affirmations.


When you accomplish something, do you often celebrate and then forget about it? If so, this is where you’re going wrong!

Everything you have done and every goal you have achieved should be celebrated not just in the moment, but in the future as well.

Try to make a habit of celebrating your wins, including your past accomplishments. Write down a list of everything you are proud of, from adolescence until now. Remind yourself of all that you have already accomplished, and that alone will give you a nice boost of confidence.


Taking good care of yourself is a great way to shift your mindset to where you understand that your confidence comes from you. You are amazing and you deserve to be treated well!

Empowerment and compassion start with what you do for yourself and will help you to radiate confidence.


I’ve listed 31 journaling prompts below for confidence and self-love. One for each day of the month. Take a minute to look through them and don’t skip over the ones that will bring out all the feelings. Those are the ones that will help you the most.

Choose ONE prompt each day and dedicate 5-10 minutes to writing your answer. If your time runs longer because you have a lot to write, it’s okay. Keep writing!

Be as creative as you like here…the sky’s the limit!

Daily Journaling Prompts

Look for the new daily journaling prompts on the last Monday of each month.

  1. What do you want to do this month? What are 3 goals you have for March? List some action steps you can take to accomplish them.

  2. Write down 5 daily affirmations for March – choose from the list below

  3. Write an entire page of things you love about yourself.

  4. What is something others admire about you?

  5. What is something unique about you?

  6. What are some emotional or personality attributes you love about yourself?

  7. How often do you practice self-care? In what ways do you take care of yourself?

  8. List some ways you can pamper yourself.

  9. What is something you want to do for yourself that you have been putting off?

  10. What is your definition of being confident?

  11. What makes you feel confident or good about yourself?

  12. Where do you think your confidence comes from?

  13. How do others make you feel confident?

  14. What is something you are confident about today?

  15. Mid-Month Review: How are your goals for this month coming along? What can you accomplish in the remainder of the month?

  16. List 5 things you are very good at.

  17. What do you wish you were better at?

  18. How are your social interactions?

  19. What first impressions do you give other people?

  20. What insecurities do you have?

  21. Where do you feel your insecurities come from?

  22. What is something you need to release?

  23. How can you treat yourself better?

  24. What are 5 things you can do for yourself this week?

  25. List 10 reasons you are grateful for yourself

  26. How often do you seek validation?

  27. What are some ways you can start validating yourself?

  28. Who helps you feel the most loved?

  29. Looking ahead to next month: What events do you need to prepare for? What are you looking forward to?

  30. Month in Review: What lessons did you learn this month?

  31. Month in Review: How did this month go? Which goals did you complete? What do you still need to work on?

Daily Affirmations

  • I deserve love and respect

  • I am constantly trying to improve my life

  • I prioritize my happiness

  • I believe in myself

  • I believe in my own power

  • Today I will be courageous

  • I face all obstacles with strength and resilience

  • I am happy being me

  • I believe in my own abilities

  • I am strong and confident

  • I feel empowered

  • My inner light shines bright

  • I always take good care of my body, mind, and soul

  • I have internal peace and calm

  • I am grateful for my life

  • I am grateful for my body

  • I am grateful to be me


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Free Printable Journaling Prompts for Confidence and Self Love — Krafty Planner (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.