Best Two-Word Quotes For Daily Motivation + Inspiration | STRIVE (2024)

Jen Sincero is an American writer, speaker, and motivational coach. She’s authored a number of New York Times bestselling books like You Are a Badass, and You Are A Badass at Making Money, as well as a few other inspiring books. No doubt, she is hellbent on helping people transform their lives, and getting motivated and rich in the process. As such, we’ve rounded up some of the best Jen Sincero quotes we could find to help you get motivated to upgrade your life and your finances.

So, if you’re ready to dive into some of Jen Sincero’s best quotes on personal transformation, living an awesome life, and becoming a money magnet, then let’s get to these quotes


Best Two-Word Quotes For Daily Motivation + Inspiration | STRIVE (1)

1. “You will experience whatever you believe. And you will believe whatever you repeatedly tell yourself is true.” – Jen Sincero

2. “If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jen Sincero

3. “When we don’t master our minds, we risk building our lives on a foundation of fakakta.” – Jen Sincero

4. “Your life is your party. You get to choose how you invite people and experiences and things into it.” – Jen Sincero

5. “Love yourself.” – Jen Sincero

6. “We all have the ability, through our thoughts, to harness the power of the Universe.” – Jen Sincero

7. “You need to go from wanting to change your life to deciding to change your life.” – Jen Sincero

8. “What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” – Jen Sincero

9. “Hang out with people who are kicking ass and who will make you feel like a giant loser if you’re not kicking ass, too.” – Jen Sincero

10. “Badassery comes to those who take risks.” – Jen Sincero

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11. “Changing your habits and your boundaries takes courage, audacity, and a whole lot of self-love.” – Jen Sincero

12. “You will have good days, and you will have bad days; the key is to stay focused on the good and to forgive the bad.” – Jen Sincero

13. “Never apologize for who you are. It lets the whole world down.” – Jen Sincero

14. “We are all perfect in our own, magnificent, f***ed-up ways. Laugh at yourself. Love yourself and others. Rejoice in the cosmic ridiculousness.” – Jen Sincero

15. “Take care of yourself as if you’re the most awesome person you’ve ever met.” – Jen Sincero

16. “Surrendering is the free-falling backwards into the unknown and trusting that The Universe will catch you.” – Jen Sincero

17. “Trying to protect yourself from your fears protects you from experiencing a fully evolved and juicy life.” – Jen Sincero

18. “You cut yourself off from the supply of awesomeness when you are not in a state of gratitude.” – Jen Sincero

19. “Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, our actions become our habits, and our habits become our realities.” – Jen Sincero

20. “Deciding is freedom. Indecision is torture.” – Jen Sincero

21. “What you do in each tiny moment matters greatly. Shut up, slow down, breathe, connect to your higher self, and act with intention.” – Jen Sincero

22. “Say nice things about your body, dress it up, and take it out. Give it hot sex, luxurious baths, and massages. Move it, stretch it, nourish it, hydrate it, pay attention to it—The better our bodies feel, the happier and more productive we are.” – Jen Sincero

23. “Your reality is created by what you focus on and how you choose to interpret it.” – Jen Sincero

24. “Our emotions are the motivating kicks in the rear that alert our bodies that it’s time to take action and make a thought a physical reality.” – Jen Sincero

25. “When you love yourself enough to stand in your truth no matter what the cost, everyone benefits.” – Jen Sincero

26. “If you want to live a life you’ve never lived, you have to do things you’ve never done.” – Jen Sincero

27. “Most answers reveal themselves through doing, not thinking.” – Jen Sincero

28. “Wallowing in the pain and suffering isn’t going to help anyone, yourself included, any more than starving yourself will help the hungry. If you want to help the world and yourself, keep your frequency high and do your work from a place of power and joy.” – Jen Sincero

29. “Your beliefs hold the key to your financial success.” – Jen Sincero

30. “Who you surround yourself with greatly affects how you see your world and how high you set the bar for yourself.” – Jen Sincero

31. “When you hang out with whiners, pessimists, tweakers, bleakers, freakers-outers and life-is-so-unfairers, it’s an uphill climb to keep yourself in a positive headspace. Stay away from people with tiny minds and tiny thoughts and start hanging out with people who see limitless possibility as the reality.” – Jen Sincero

32. “What if you decided to do the most outrageous, most exciting thing you ever dared fantasize about, regardless of what anyone, including your terrified self, thought? THAT would be living.” – Jen Sincero

33. “We only get to be in our bodies for a limited time, why not celebrate the journey instead of merely riding it out until it’s over?” – Jen Sincero

34. “You are a badass. You were one when you came screaming onto this planet and you are one now. The Universe wouldn’t have bothered with you otherwise. You can’t screw up so majorly that your badassery disappears. It is who you are. It’s who you always will be. It’s not up for negotiation.” – Jen Sincero

35. “You need to have a ten-ton gorilla of desire behind your decision or else you’ll wimp out the second things get hard.” – Jen Sincero

36. “You are perfect. To think anything less is as pointless as a river thinking that it’s got too many curves or that it moves too slowly or that its rapids are too rapid.” – Jen Sincero

37.The only failure is quitting. Everything else is just gathering information.” – Jen Sincero

38. “You faith in The Universe must be stronger than your fear of not getting what you want.” – Jen Sincero

39. “Decide to embody the identity that represents the desires in your heart.” – Jen Sincero

40. “You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.” – Jen Sincero

41. “It never ceases to amaze me the precious time we spend chasing the squirrels around our brains, playing out our dramas, worrying about unwanted facial hair, seeking adoration, justifying our actions, complaining about slow Internet connections, dissecting the lives of idiots, when we are sitting in the middle of a full-blown miracle that is happening right here, right now.” – Jen Sincero

42. “Nobody who ever accomplished anything big of new or worth raising a celebratory first in the air did it from their comfort zone.” – Jen Sincero

43. “All life is either moving forward and evolving or shrinking back and dying. If you want to evolve in your own life, you have to push through the obstacles instead of running from them. Obstacles and challenges are the agents of growth.” – Jen Sincero

44. “In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot.” – Jen Sincero

45. “There’s nothing as unstoppable as a freight train full of fu**-yeah.” – Jen Sincero

46. “No one is you, that’s your superpower.” – Jen Sincero

47. “When you level-up your idea of what’s possible, and decide to really go for it, you open yourself up to the means to accomplish it as well.” – Jen Sincero

48. “One of the best things you can do to improve the world is to improve yourself.” – Jen Sincero

49. “The Universe responds to details. The Universe responds to energy. The Universe responds to badasses.” – Jen Sincero

50. “If you want to be happy, make others happy.” – Jen Sincero

Best Two-Word Quotes For Daily Motivation + Inspiration | STRIVE (3)

51. “It’s all make-believe. Or rather, it’s all what we make ourselves believe.” – Jen Sincero

52. “Wake up in the morning and declare what it is that you’ll celebrate today.” – Jen Sincero

53. “You are loved. Massively. Ferociously. Unconditionally. The Universe is totally freaking out about how awesome you are. It’s got you wrapped in a warm gorilla hug of adoration. It wants to give you everything you desire. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to see what it sees in you.” – Jen Sincero

54. “So often, we pretend we’ve made a decision, when what we’ve really done is signed up to try until it gets too uncomfortable.” – Jen Sincero

55. “Habits define who you’re being at a certain moment in time; they’re not who you are.” – Jen Sincero

56.Trust your own gut, your own feelings, your own joy above all else.” – Jen Sincero

57. “What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” – Jen Sincero

58. “The Universe will match whatever vibration you put out. And you can’t fool the Universe.” – Jen Sincero

59. “If you’re not excited, no one else is going to be.” – Jen Sincero

60. “When you change who you’re being, you begin seeing everything through new eyes.” – Jen Sincero

61. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Jen Sincero

62. “Surround yourself with people who think the way you want to think.” – Jen Sincero

63. “You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.” – Jen Sincero

64. “Give yourself permission and the means (yes, this includes the money), to be who you are regardless of what anybody else thinks or believes is possible.” – Jen Sincero

65. “You’ll have to believe in things you can’t see as well as some things that you have full-on proof are impossible.” – Jen Sincero

66. “Perfectionism is just procrastination in a fancy outfit.” – Jen Sincero

67. “If you don’t invest, you’re not invested in yourself.” – Jen Sincero

68. “Taking risks is uncomfortable, but it’s the kind of discomfort that’s equal parts eeek! and hell yeah!” – Jen Sincero

69. “Relish the feeling of gratitude and the joy of being in the flow with money.” – Jen Sincero

70. “Decide to love yourself through all the trials and errors and false starts.” – Jen Sincero

71. “We’d rather do what’s expected of us that give ourselves permission to be, do, and have what feels good and right and awesome.” – Jen Sincero

72. “Boundaries are not rigid walls. They breathe and move with the complexities of life and the nuances of each situation.” – Jen Sincero

73. “Habitually setting good boundaries lays the groundwork for all other habits.” – Jen Sincero

74. “Your desires are your Universal Marching Orders, and there is no wrong outcome.” – Jen Sincero

75. “In order to truly raise your vibration, you’ve got to believe that everything you want is available to you.” – Jen Sincero

76. “If you want to get over your issues and rock your life, be grateful, look for the good and learn.” – Jen Sincero

77. “Faith is contagious.” – Jen Sincero

78. “You have to keep the faith, always, even when your ass is on the line.” – Jen Sincero

79. “All of Mother Nature’s creatures are designed to full flourish before they drop dead.” – Jen Sincero

80. “A healthy desire for wealth is not greed, it’s a desire for life.” – Jen Sincero

81. “Allow yourself to experience whatever your heart desires as if this is your one and only chance to take the ride of your life.” – Jen Sincero

82. “Your life, your choice.” – Jen Sincero

83. “Good boundaries are all about self-love.” – Jen Sincero

84. “All that matters is what’s true for you, and if you can stay connected to that without straying, you will be a mighty superhero.” – Jen Sincero

85. “One great way to make even the most ho-hum of habits something to look forward to is by attaching some sore of reward to it.” – Jen Sincero

86. “We’re so damn busy all the time we rarely take the time out to acknowledge our awesomeness.” – Jen Sincero

87. “Decisions are not up for negotiation.” – Jen Sincero

88. “It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve messed up, because your failures and face-plants are all part of your journey.” – Jen Sincero

89. “Don’t waste your precious time giving one single crap about what anybody else thinks of you.” – Jen Sincero

90. “You have the power and choice to become anybody you choose to become.” – Jen Sincero

91. “Sometimes the road to freedom lies in deciding you’d rather be happy than right.” – Jen Sincero

92. “When you succumb to fear, you are under the illusion that you can predict the future.” – Jen Sincero

93. “Our ‘realities’ are determined by how we habitually perceive ourselves and our worlds.” – Jen Sincero

94. “Habits. The easier you make it for them to show up, the more regularly they will.” – Jen Sincero

95. “Take big, audacious action in the direction of your dreams and do not let the fact that you’re wetting your pants stop you.” – Jen Sincero

96. “Own your nos.” – Jen Sincero

97. “Learn the language of no.” – Jen Sincero

98. “Being around inspired, visionary, enthusiastic people who are living their truths is one of the fastest ways to massively transform your life.” – Jen Sincero

99. “Oy the energy we waste lugging around the wet sandbag of guilt and resentment!” – Jen Sincero

100. “Trust that the Universe always delivers right on time.” – Jen Sincero

Best Two-Word Quotes For Daily Motivation + Inspiration | STRIVE (4)

Bonus Jen Sincero Quote

Bonus: Here’s one last bonus Jen Sincero quote. We believe there is loads of truth behind this quote. So, ignore it at your own risk. Enjoy!

“On The Other Side Of Your Fear Is Freedom” – Jen Sincero

– jen sincero –

Related: Jen Sincero Success Story

Final Thoughts

There you have it, the best of the best Jen Sincero quotes on success, money, habits, and having the right mindset. We hope they’ll inspire you to start living out that awesome and prosperous life that you deserve.

If you’ve yet to read any of her books, be sure to check at least one of them out. We don’t doubt that her wise words could be a game changer for you.

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With that said, please feel free to book mark this page, share one of her inspiring quotes, or comeback soon whenever you need a little bit of that unique inspiration and motivation that only Jen Sincero can provide.

Till then,


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Best Two-Word Quotes For Daily Motivation + Inspiration | STRIVE (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.