30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (2025)

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by Mickey

30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (1)

Every year I am the one in charge of making Thanksgiving dinner for the family. I’m not a great chef, but I’ve never really just wanted to just cook a “traditional” Thanksgiving dinner. I like my dinner to stand out – I want to “wow” everyone that comes over.

With a few great recipes, I can add extra flavor and pizzazz to our Thanksgiving dinner by taking the side dishes to the next level. Instead of normal stuffing, I’ll add mushrooms to give it added kick. Or take the cranberry and give it a twist by adding in another fruit for a different tang. There are so many fun ways to add flavor, often without any additional work. Many of these recipes aren’t too different from a traditional recipe, but with a few extra added ingredients that really make them “pop”.

30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes


1.Easy Delicious Stuffing
2.Stuffing-Stuffed Mushrooms
3. Slow Cooker Stuffing
4.Baked Apple Cranberry Stuffing
5.Bread and Celery Stuffing
6.Country Harvest Stuffing
7.Chestnut Stuffing with Leeks & Apples
8.Wild Rice Stuffing
9.Oyster Dressing
10.Cornbread Stuffing Muffins


1.Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole
2.Creamy Orzo with Asparagus & Parmesan
3.Broccoli with Prosciutto & Cream Gruyere Sauce
4.Roasted Harvest Veggie, Curried Avocado + Rice
5.Au Gratin Potatoes
6.Roasted Carrots with Parsley Butter
7.Rosemary Mashed Sweet Potatoes
8.Mashed Potatoes and Rutabaga
9.Pearl Onions in Cream Sauce
10.Cheese Potato & Smokes Sausage Casserole


1.Holiday Cranberry Apple Sauce
2.Citrus Cranberry Sauce
4.Mango Apple Cranberry Sauce
5.Cranberry Salsa
6.Cranberry Salad
7.Calamondin Cranberry Sauce
8.Easy Cranberry Chutney
9.Cranberry Grape Compote
10.Jalapeno-Cranberry Relish

30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (2)

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  1. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (3)Donna says

    I love Thanksgiving for the sides! Really… there are so many great sides and I’m sure to find some new god ones out of these 30!

  2. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (4)Christie - Food Done Light says

    Thanks for including my side dish. You’ve got a great selection for lots of Thanksgiving inspiration.

  3. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (5)Mellisa says

    I look forward to the sides the most at Thanksgiving! These are all great choices.

  4. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (6)michelle riebeek says

    Yum I want to try:Creamy Orzo with Asparagus & Parmesan

  5. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (7)Anne - Mommy Has to Work says

    We do the old fashion favorites, stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn.

  6. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (8)Penelope says

    Thank you so much, this will be awesome to refer back to!!

  7. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (9)md kennedy says

    Great sides, but I would add one more: my Chestnut and Sweet Potato “Stew” – delish!

  8. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (11)Theresa says

    This is a great selection!

  9. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (12)Jenn says

    I have not had oyster dressing since my great-aunt passed away. Ahhh memories.

  10. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (13)Paula @ Frosted Fingers says

    I will be looking at these soon because it looks like I’ll be hosting Thanksgiving this year.

  11. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (14)Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says

    This makes me get so fired up about the holiday. I adore Thanksgiving food!

  12. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (15)chrissy c says

    Thanks for posting these! I’m been trying to find something yummy to bring to Thanksgiving and I saw numerous things on this list I might make!

  13. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (16)Tiff @ Babes and Kids says

    What a delicious roundup. I’m especially loving all of the cranberry recipes. I think a lot of us get in a rut with cranberries and you posted some different and delicious sounding recipes.

  14. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (17)Lesley Wong says

    Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  15. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (18)Marcie W. says

    So many of these sound amazingly tasty! I will be pinning the Broccoli with Prosciutto & Cream Gruyere Sauce now.

  16. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (19)Robin Gagnon says

    I’ve already started thinking about Thanksgiving logistics myself.

  17. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (20)Charlene says

    Like to make a least one new dish every holiday. Thanks for the recipes. I’m sure I’ll find one to make.

  18. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (21)Linda Heng says

    Thanksgiving and Christmas are my two favorite holidays! Especially the food part of it! Love trying new recipes each year so this will come in handy pretty soon! Thanks for sharing =)

  19. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (22)Lolo says

    Rosemary mashed sweet potatoes sound amazing1

  20. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (24)Sherri Lewis says

    I saw several dishes I want to try. Or get my daughter to try, since she is the cook in the family 🙂

  21. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (25)Angela says

    Great finds! I’m hoping to try a couple of new side dishes this year, so thanks.

  22. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (26)Colleen says

    The best side dish is the mash potatoes and home made gravy LOL!

  23. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (27)courtney says

    So many goodies! Love this time of year (food!!!)

  24. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (28)Adrienne L Rudolph says

    thanks for sharing I can wait to try some of these goodies this thanksgiving

  25. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (29)Kathleen says

    My mom makes Thanksgiving dinner every year and it is to die for, but I wouldn’t mind trying some of these out in our home before or after Thanksgiving.

  26. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (30)Jenn says

    Nom Nom. You can never have too many sides at the Thanksgiving table!

  27. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (31)Stefanie says

    I LOVE Thanksgiving sides…I don’t even need turkey.

  28. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (32)Robin Gagnon says

    I do pretty much the same sides each year but either add or swap one out to have some variety.

  29. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (33)Leilani says

    Stuffing is my favorite side. I could honestly have a Thanksgiving dinner with just turkey and stuffing and feel like it was complete.

  30. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (35)Amy Adams says

    Wow! All I can say is “Where do you live and can I join you?” I love the sides more than the meat and I would take 80% of those listed! Having a small family that is now scattered everywhere we are now a family of two that get our Thanksgiving meal from a restaurant every year; so, enjoy your festivities while you can before your children move out and about!

  31. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (36)Shell Feis says

    I’m not hosting Thanksgiving this year but totally need to make 1 or 2 of these to bring over for dinner!

  32. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (37)Betsy Barnes says

    I love finding new recipes, especially for Thanksgiving. I always get stuck with what to do different in serving cranberries, the list had some really creative ones. I’m definitely going to give some a try, thanks 🙂

  33. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (38)Cathy French says

    i have tried several different stuffing recipes, this one looks great. Think I might try this one this year

  34. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (39)CHRISTIE ROBINSON says

    I am always looking for ways to change up meals that I fix for family. Just try something different that everyone will enjoy & love to try different each years

  35. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (40)Kelsey Apley says

    Oh gosh all that looks and sounds so good. Thanks for all the fun idea’s on what to make! We are doing Thanksgiving at our house this year!

  36. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (41)Megan McD says

    I absolutely love all Thanksgiving recipes! I want to eat everything on here.

  37. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (42)Faye Mc says

    Thank you for all the great ideas. I was getting bogged down trying to figure out what to serve. This will help. Have a great meal! 🙂

  38. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (43)Jenn @TheRebelChick says

    Everything looks so delicious! I am pining this!

  39. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (44)Shanna Uptergrove says

    Oh.My.Goodness. I am loving this roundup of side dishes for Thanksgiving. I am always trying to find something new to bring to the in laws! THANK YOU for this post 😀

  40. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (45)Laura says

    I am making all the side dishes at our families Thanksgiving celebration and am looking for some new recipes. Thank you for all of these wonderful suggestions

  41. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (46)molly c says

    my mouth is watering just looking at these. i love thanksgiving food, especially stuffing!

  42. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (47)cheryl c. says

    My family always asks me to bring the same 2 dishes. I am looking for something new and different for this year.

  43. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (48)Vanessa: thequeenofswag says

    Thanks so much for sharing. I was looking for new sides for thanksgiving.

  44. 30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (49)Tammy says

    Oh I’m getting a new slow cooker just in time for Thanksgiving – I’m totally going to try that stuffing recipe.

Awesome Treats

30 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Recipes (2025)


What is the number 1 rated side dish for Thanksgiving? ›

Green bean casserole is one the most popular Thanksgiving side dishes, and we bet you'll love this updated version of a classic veggie casserole. A tasty twist on a timeless dish, New Green Bean Casserole may just become your new favorite! Click here for the recipe!

What is the best Thanksgiving side dish crossword clue? ›

Thanksgiving side dish with 4 Letters
Thanksgiving side dish with 11 Letters
8 more rows

What are the 5 most common sides served on Thanksgiving Day? ›

The Top Five Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides in the United States
  • Biscuits & Rolls. A side of rolls or biscuits topped the favorite Thanksgiving sides in six states, but just one state was specific with their choice. ...
  • Stuffing & Cornbread Dressing. ...
  • Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Vegetables.
Nov 13, 2023

What is the least favorite side dish for Thanksgiving? ›

And the least favorite side dish for Americans on Thanksgiving is -- green bean casserole. 31.4 percent of people surveyed do not like it.

What are America's favorite Thanksgiving sides? ›

In a survey among U.S. consumers 76 percent of respondents stated that stuffing/dressing was a side dish they enjoyed eating during Thanksgiving, followed by mashed potatoes with 71 percent of the votes. Mashed potatoes were the most picked side dish.

How many side dishes should I have at Thanksgiving? ›

How many dishes should I serve with the turkey? For 4 people, choose 1-2 appetizers and 3 sides. For 8 people, choose 1-3 appetizers and 3 sides. For 16 people, choose 2-3 appetizers and 3 or more sides.

What are three foods that were probably eaten at Thanksgiving? ›

What They (Likely) Did Have at the First Thanksgiving
  • Venison.
  • Fowl (geese and duck)
  • Corn.
  • Nuts (walnuts, chestnuts, beechnuts)
  • Shellfish.

What is the quintessential Thanksgiving menu? ›

The classic Thanksgiving dinner includes old-time favorites that never change: turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, and pie. But the way these dishes are made or added to is everchanging because of food trends and different dietary requirements.

What are the top 20 Thanksgiving foods? ›

Recipes Featured in this Article
  • Caramelized Brussels Sprouts.
  • Spicy Sweet Potato Casserole.
  • Collard Green and Black Rice Salad with Coconut-Lime Dressing.
  • Mashed Potato Casserole with Gruyère and Browned Onions.
  • Easy-As-Pie Pumpkin Bars.
  • Caramel Apple Pie.
  • Flourless Soy Sauce Brownies.
  • German Chocolate Pecan Pie.
Nov 16, 2023

What should you not forget for Thanksgiving dinner? ›

Use this list to make sure you're prepared to have the feast you planned for.
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk. A number of tasty desserts rely on this often forgotten item. ...
  • Cranberries or Cranberry Sauce. ...
  • Chicken Stock or Broth. ...
  • Simply Done Containers. ...
  • Foil, Parchment Paper, Pastic Wrap. ...
  • Centerpiece. ...
  • Nuts or Dried Fruit. ...
  • Dinner Rolls.
Nov 25, 2019

What is a good non traditional Thanksgiving meal? ›

Think: pumpkin risotto, crab-stuffed mushrooms, mashed potato pancakes, and cauliflower steak. Looking to skip the traditional main course? No problem! Try a tender roast beef or a chicken fried turkey recipe instead!

What not to do at Thanksgiving dinner? ›

13 things you should never do on Thanksgiving
  1. Say the food will be ready at 5 p.m. when it won't be ready until 7 p.m. Everyone is hungry. ...
  2. Bring someone who wasn't invited. ...
  3. Make Jell-O salad. ...
  4. Bring up politics. ...
  5. Undercook or overcook the turkey. ...
  6. Come unannounced. ...
  7. Talk about how you're ruining your diet. ...
  8. Eat way too much.
Nov 5, 2018

What do most people serve for Thanksgiving dinner? ›

Most Traditional Thanksgiving Foods
  1. Turkey. Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without the turkey. ...
  2. Stuffing/Dressing. “Stuff” is another way to say “things.” But the verb to stuff means that you fill something until it's full. ...
  3. Mashed Potatoes. ...
  4. Gravy. ...
  5. Cranberry Sauce. ...
  6. Corn. ...
  7. Green Bean Casserole. ...
  8. Candied Yams.
Sep 8, 2024

What are 3 main foods on Thanksgiving? ›

The classic Thanksgiving dinner includes old-time favorites that never change: turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, and pie. But the way these dishes are made or added to is everchanging because of food trends and different dietary requirements.

What is America's least favorite dish at Thanksgiving and what percentage? ›

"For the third year in a row, cranberry sauce takes first place as the most disliked traditional Thanksgiving food. Over 31% of respondents, 82 million American adults, do not want cranberry sauce for their Thanksgiving dinner.


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.