18 Flirty “Good Morning” Texts To Send To Your Crush
Start their day off the right way — thinking about you.
by Lexi Inks
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When your crush is among the first things you think about when you wake up in the morning, it’s a pretty good indicator that you’re super excited about them. Whether you’ve just had your first date or your 50th, sometimes it’s OK to let those butterflies lead and enjoy the ride. During your morning routine, it might be fun to brainstorm some flirty “good morning” texts to send to your crush.
Sending flirty texts is a great way to stay connected to your significant other when you’re not physically together, professional dating coach Alexis Germany tells Bustle. Receiving a sweet “good morning” text from someone you’re dating or crushing on is always a nice feeling because it shows that you were top of mind as they’re getting their day started. “Good morning texts let someone know you thought of them early in your day and most people appreciate that, especially when dating,” Germany says. “Sending something a bit flirty can get the day started in a fun way.”
When you’re in the beginning stages of dating, it can be difficult to know what to text your crush in the early hours of the day. We all know the cheesy go-to options can sometimes fall flat, so certified matchmaker Daphney Poyser advises that “the best good morning text is one that is sincere and asks real things about the person of interest in an authentic and genuine way.”
For examples of where to start, here are 18 ideas of flirty good morning texts to send.
“Good morning! I hope you slept well last night.”
Recommended by Poyser, this text is simple but sweet. Whether they slept like a baby or tossed and turned all night, they might be inclined to clarify and even ask you about your slumber.
“Good morning! What’s something you’re looking forward to today?”
Starting off your crush’s day with a positive mindset might help them have an even better one, and shows you’re invested in what gets them excited for the day.
“I need cuddles this morning. I wish you were here.”
Germany suggests this adorable text, which could be a great option for someone you’ve been seeing for a while. Especially if you’ve already shared a sleepover before, this is a flirty way to tell them that you’re missing them… in your bed.
“Good morning! Just woke up thinking about how awesome you are. I hope you have a great day :) ”
Recommended by professional matchmaker and dating coach Thalia Ouimet, this text shows your crush that they were on your mind first thing this morning. This would be a great option for someone whose love language is words of affirmation.
“You were in my dream last night. Want to hear about it?”
Depending on the nature of your dream and the nature of the conversation you want to have, this can be a flirty — or even sexy — text to send to your crush in the morning (as long as you have consent and comfortability with them).
“Do you know what day it is? It’s “send a cutie a GIF day.” *GIF*”
Germany recommends picking a cute or flirty GIF to send with this quick message, which will more than likely put a smile on their face and encourage them to send one back to you.
“Morning! I’m really looking forward to seeing you tonight.”
If you have a date planned for that night, this text is a great option to show them how excited you are to see them later. Chances are, they’ll feel the same.
“Good morning, love! I just wanted to say thank you for being you :) ”
If you’re sending a note to your partner or someone you’re already well-established with, Ouimet suggests this text. Everyone appreciates messages of gratitude every now and then.
“Hey, good morning! I know you have that big meeting today — you got this. Let’s celebrate after!”
Hype up your crush and offer up a fun reward (aka, hanging out with you) if you know they have something big on their plate today. “Remembering to acknowledge those moments can go a long way in progressing a relationship,” Germany says.
“Hi, my love. I woke up thinking about you and it put a huge smile on my face.”
Anyone can appreciate knowing that the thought of them made someone else smile, so Poyser recommends this “good morning” text.
“Good morning! I woke up hugging my pillow this morning, but hopefully, you can replace it soon ;) ”
Send this text if you want a sly way to invite your crush over for a sleepover soon, or if you want them to come to spend the morning with you.
“Good morning! *selfie*”
Snapping a cute pic of yourself in the morning could put a smile on their face, and feels a bit more personal than the usual “good morning” texts.
“Good morning [pet name], check your Venmo and have coffee on me today.”
Germany says you should avoid “the generic morning text .... [and] change it up to keep things fresh.” She recommends this option to switch things up and make a bigger gesture that your crush will remember all day.
“Hey, sleepy head :) I’m gonna pick up coffee in a bit, let me know if you want me to swing by with your usual!”
If you’re able to actually join them for coffee, offering to drop off a latte to your love is both a super sweet gesture and a chance to sneak in some quality time.
“Good Morning, babe! Wanna FaceTime?”
Whether you’re long distance or just waking up apart, an impromptu FaceTime session in the morning can be a cute way to start the a.m. together.
*Song link* “Listening to this made me think of you this morning, hope you have a great day.”
If you and your crush share a similar taste in music, sending a song you both like is a personal and flirty way to keep the song (and you) on repeat in their mind all day.
“Morning! How’s your day starting off, on a scale from 1-10?”
Add a little flair to the usual “how’s your day going?” You can even follow up with an offer to grab lunch together if their answer is less than a five — after all, seeing you is bound to cheer them up.
“Good Morning! I woke up so excited to kiss your face later tonight ;)”
Everyone loves a good smooch from their S.O., so letting them know you can’t wait for it will build up the excitement.
Alexis Germany, professional dating coach
Daphney Poyser, certified matchmaker and dating coach
Thalia Ouimet, professional matchmaker and dating coach
This article was originally published on